DragDetectors [Beta]

I’ve made an other level not the idea what I had that made lasers visible if z dragable part touch it

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Any idea on when will this come out of beta?

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Well yes. RunLocally or whatnot should only be on models that are only on the Client and not the Server but let’s say there is a door that is stored on the Server and Client and there is a drag detector, an exploiter can easily just turn on RunLocally or whatever and it’ll only work on their client which can let them just walk through the door without actually opening the door for other people. (correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s my understanding about my reply)

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Is it possible to make it so that when moving an object with the drag detector, it doesn’t move the cursor? I have an issue with this because the cursor can’t go that far off the screen and Roblox doesn’t allow you to change the player’s cursor position locking the cursor doesn’t do anything as when you hold down, it’ll make it unlock. Not sure if this question makes sense or not, but I can clarify anything if needed.

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Not tested, but you could bind a LocalScript to DragStart and change MouseBehavior to MouseLocked.

I don’t know if that would work though, so maybe you could use a custom DragDetector and use mouse delta to move the part around.


Any news?

I would love to use them in one of my currently unreleased games but I don’t want to spend time on them if I can’t use them by my release date. Filled in the form.


Filled out the form, cheers!

If we’re using DragDetectors in a product that we plan to distribute, would we have to ask the customer to fill out that form and like the post I just replied to?

*Small edit here - just saying that I’ve had no issues whatsoever with these things, so hoping that they’ll be released soon.


I filled out the form a few days ago and my game still doesn’t have DragDetectors enabled

Game ID: 12945882835
User ID: 700651763


hi there, I did test this and I don’t think it’s a problem.
If you change the value of runLocally on the client, this value does not replicate to the server. So you haven’t fooled the server into thinking it’s supposed to perform the drag.

I tried it with a simple anchored object ; and the result was as desired.


Greetings, we’ve updated all requested games in this post to turn on DragDetectors.

Also, regarding our final release, we are very close. We have only one corner case crash to fix before we can turn on DragDetectors in all games.


Yes, but you can just as easily write a script to rotate the CFrame of the door locally, or translate it to oblivion, and go through it for the same effect; without affecting the server or others.

Do you think there’s anything worse about this situation?


This is great! But I missed the forum. XP. Just filled out the form and now I’m waiting! Good luck with making the game!!!

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I requested one of my games to have DragDetectors a few days ago and it doesn’t seem to be working yet, does it work in sub-places? (Places other than the Starter place?)

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Your place ending in 2835 should be active with DragDetectors now.

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Does it work in places other than the starter place because I tested it in a sub-place and it seems to not be working

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You must first fill in a form for that sub place

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Okay, thanks for the information! I’ll fill in a form for the sub place rn

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I requested 2 places with these ids:

Place 1: 14045880200
Place 2: 14064023538


Hi! How days is need to wait for enabling DragDetector in place?

Im just filled out the form few days ago and waiting when it gonna get enabled DragDetector, will wait more if need it!


@ReeseifyWasTaken @l1f3rj Your requested places should now have dragDetectors enabled!