DragDetectors [Beta]

This is an issue happening with mesh objects, correct? The rotation resets, and it collides when it shouldn’t?

I just wanted to also confirm, what dragStyle are they (Geometric vs Physical)?

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Is the part in question in geometric or physical mode, and is it runLocally? If it’s physical + runLocally, it should not move until you gain network ownership.


The drag detector only begins to work with me once the client has interacted with the object? For example, the part wouldn’t start moving until I shot it with an rpg and then bam I could drag it then!

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Is the part with the dragDetector welded to anything else?

Also, what’s the ResponseStyle?

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Notable updates since 581:

  • DragDetectors should terminate drag correctly in more situations than before (Respawn, Disconnect, Menu popup, etc). If there are any situations that you expect it to terminate but it does not, please let us know!
  • The bug where Axis / Orientation properties not replicating correctly to TeamCreate has been fixed. @LegendOJ1 This should be your issue. Let us know if you encounter it again so we can handle it!
  • Rotation of CFrames and general orientation is now be respected in Scriptable and 6DOF Dragstyles for the unanchored Physical ResponseStyle.
  • DragDetectors will properly terminate on tool pickup.
  • … And many other bugs!

Nope not welded to anything else, response style is geometric but got the same results with physical

EDIT: I realised the explosion itself didn’t allow me to drag the part but just holding and letting go of the tool allowed me to

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Do you have an example place that we can test this on?

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Physical and can you Made an anchored part that you drag with an unanchored part welded can it activate Zn touch event I tried it with unanchored but I can’t get the part in an straight lain

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yes, we fixed a bug in replication, so this should not be a problem for you again, and you shouldn’t need to use scripts to establish the axis you want.


The script should not be necessary anymore. We fixed the bug that was causing the problem.


(sorry I was on vacation) If you are still having this problem, we’ll need a little more information to help you.
Can you post a place file and the steps you are taking to see the problem?
Or at least answer these questions:
[a] is the part anchored or unanchored?
[b[ what is the responseStyle of your DragDetector? [c] what steps are you taking? what do you mean by “move the part on the client?”

Maybe a video would help too.


Hi @foodeggs7
Did you resolve your problems while I was away?

It looked to me like there were 2 issues?

[1] your christmas tree rotates as soon as you click it.
I would guess that maybe your DragDetector’s DragFrame is set to have a rotation that does not match that of the tree. And so when you first click, even though you only want to translate, it’s applying both the rotation and the translation to the tree. So maybe if you set the DragFrame such that it matches the tree’s orientation, this won’t happen?

[2] your green girders are bunking into the left side of the white girders and you want them to go through to the other side? I think probably either [a] they are non-anchored but being held in the air with a constrint, but they cant move right because of collisions, or [b] maybe you have your maxDragTranslation set or have registered a constraint function on your dragger?


hey no worries, havnt been on either (in another country at the moment)

a. tested both anchored & unanchored
b. physical
c. no steps were taken, even tried the file up top with all the little games (bowling n such) and it would not work until i selected the part using the ‘select’ tool and dragged it a little

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Ye I don’t use the scripts more since I started with my cristmass obby

The iseus are fixed I has set an primary part and it drag good it not rotate

I removed the drag limits

But I have another iseu where a non anchored part not dragable is

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For me, its AMAZING. My friend likes making games like Garry’s Mod and this must be BEST for him! Im also using this object for my games and will wait when it release! Roblox Staffs gonna have it on FOREVER to make games easily! Will make jenga when its releases.


Does it move okay if you use Geometric mode?

If so, can you try replacing it with a smaller object? Does that work? If so I’d increase the size bit by bit and see what goes wrong.

Maybe it’s colliding with things that obstruct it?

Maybe it’s so big that you need to increate the maxForce on the DragDetector to budge it?

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Idk of that can it’s an welded unanchored part that activates a touch event I try the steps tomorrow 2023-08-25T17:00:00Z

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If it’s welded to something that’s anchored, then you can’t move it with forces!

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It seems that on the client, an exploiter can just disable the RunLocally variable and then it’ll replicate on the Server. Not completely sure if this is just a Studio thing or an actual in-game thing aswell.

Video reference:

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It’s likely that the gun model is already cloned by a local script unless poorly designed, so I wouldn’t worry about exploits.

Plus, physics on the client does not replicate unless made on the client (correct me if I’m wrong).

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