Dragdetectors dont listen to changes while dragging

I’ve noticed dragdetectors dont apply changes made to the properties like maxtorque, maxforce and responsiveness while its being dragged.

This prevents me from being able to implement a click and hold to drag mechanic for mobile users and a lot more smooth effects or safety mechanics.

dragdetectors bug.rbxl (55.2 KB)

Expected behavior

The dragdetectors to listen to changes while dragging.


Hi @rickje139,

Thanks for reporting this.
I assume you have some kind of script in your video that’s changing those parameters on dragStart and dragEnd?
You are correct that these are not being updated, and your request seems perfectly reasonable; and now that you mention it, potentially very useful for interesting gameplay.

We’ll try to get this fixed for you.


Isn’t this the default behavior? You shouldn’t need to change anything in this case. If you mean click and hold for a few seconds for example, you should be able to add a constraint function to pause the movement for a few seconds

Edit: I don’t think I understood the issue; being able to modify the properties and it not updating definitely seems like a bug.

I’m not sure the original intent, but if you wanted to, say, allow a player to become ‘stronger’ the longer they pushed something, this would let you do it, which seems neat.


Hello! DragDetectors should now apply physical property changes immediately during drag, without restarting!

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