Dragger QoL Improvements [Beta]

We should be allowed to choose whether pressing Tab snaps or not, sometimes I want my draggers to be exactly below my mouse when the edge snapping just doesnt cut it.

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sometimes when i drag a model with a part in it, it moves the pivot point only, then sends the actual part to 0, -340282346638528859811704183484516925440, 0

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That’s pretty far away :skull:
Does it happen only when you drag something into the sky or does it also happen when you’re dragging stuff on a baseplate?

You can turn it off by disabling it in File → Beta Features → QoL Improvements and turning this new feature off and restarting Studio

However, I don’t know what will happen once this is perfected and is no longer a Beta feature

Two things of note;

  1. Snapping doesn’t seem to work at all on terrain? Pressing shift gives visual feedback on the draggers and the help window but doesn’t actually align anything to the grid despite working as intended on other surfaces. I use terrain in place of the baseplate most of the time so this sucks… :frowning:

  2. Unless there’s a plan to replace the ctrl + 1-4 keybinds with something new entirely, could we have some way to add them back? Love the new binds but in playtests (where it is arguably more important to have a keybind to select the tools) they’re no longer usable. I use this feature fairly often to debug instance properties so its a big time save for me that I’d love to see added back if there’s no other plans in the way.


This is an amazing feature! I’ve been trying it out and it’s really good. I wish to see the bugs resolved soon, great job and kudos to the team behind this.

what about the transform tool? these improvements makes it even more useless

I like it, but it’s very laggy for some reason when I move objects.
I only moved 16 parts in this clip and it nearly crashes studio.
Before, I could move models with 1000+ parts and not freeze or crash, my framerate would just go down a bit


I’m going to test it right away but I already like the idea of more precise snapping!

The Transform tool is on life support. We make sure it keeps working but we aren’t going to be adding features to it. At some point we plan to remove it from Studio and transition it to being a community plugin which isn’t include by default but you can optionally install.

As for why, it’s that it was written in 2016 before we’d figured out robust Lua coding standards so the code is… not great. We’d basically have to re-write it from scratch if we wanted to add more features to it so we figure we’d be better off spending that time on other improvements / other new tools instead.


it just happens randomly, sending the part to the integer limit lmao

This should be done sooner, rather than later. Despite being a fan of how most of these changes were proposed in the post, I find this rather… noisy. As someone who finds it hard enough to focus, all of the new added graphical elements when selecting and moving things proves to be a lot of ‘white noise’ in the long run for me, and likely others.


All this seems great, but one thing: will we be able to keep the old dragger visuals and turn off the ruler? I tried it and it’s very distracting to me, so I had to turn it off. I don’t want to have to have this when this leaves beta.

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I’ve been getting this SO MUCH that I had to just had to turn off the beta because good god is this annoying when I’m dragging something across my maps and it just disappears into the void.

And then another annoying thing is the fact you can’t summon handles on something other than the selected object (or the corners of other parts) now…

Here's what I'm talking about:

Old, Preferred, Behaviour

New, Inconvenient, Behaviour

And then another annoyance:
With old dragging behaviour, if you click to drag an object, but also hold right click (to turn your camera), and then move the camera to another location, the object wouldn’t move, but once you release right click and move your cursor (still dragging the object), the object would essentially teleport to you. This is my preferred behaviour because it avoids floating point errors or whatever where the XYZ coordinates and orientations are distorted by thousandths (0.00X), caused by the object constantly adjusting on uneven surfaces.

But now that functionality is gone and so the aforementioned disappearing occurs along with the possibility for .00X distortions

Oh yeah this is also another big fat annoyance for me, objects not using snapping when dragging on terrain.


not a huge fan of it when it comes to scaling.

This was something we weren’t that confident in but wanted to give a try. Unsurprisingly from the feedback so far we’ll be changing it back.

Are you worried about floating point error being accumulated during the drag? If so you shouldn’t be, because with the Dragger code all that matters is where you drag from and where you drag to, everything in between has zero impact at all on the resulting drag (the offsets are properly cached such that no floating point error accumulates).

This is actually unintentional breakage that slipped in at the last moment, will be fixed.


It isn’t that common of an issue now but I’ve often experienced all the individual parts of a model getting offset by .002 studs or something like that, same goes for the orientation, getting offset by .0X degrees, when dragging across a map.

The orientation offset occurred more than anything else though.

Not sure if these have been fixed since I haven’t seen any of my new models being affected by this.

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The changing of the binds by default to switch between movement tools (Ctrl + 1/2/3/4) is TOO CONFUSING and the ruler just looks irritating when it’s popping up left right and center. There should be a way to hide this when it’s out of beta for sure.

Thanks for the best updates! They are all intuitive and even I will be able to learn to operate them quickly.
I am very impressed with all the recent updates!

I’d really love a way to resize in ‘both’ directions. I expect this to happen when you press Alt/Option, but it may not be able to fit with the current controls.

I’ve also noticed some errors that break the ability to modify the current selection. I don’t know how to reproduce yet!