Is there a fix to this cause this is really annoying. Like i want to grab it from the middle of the dragger and it just offset it and just trying to move it down one stud, just one stud and it just move all over.
I’ve noticed if I have studio open for a long time this thing also just sticks around, at the start it would go away after I finished dragging something but after a few hours it just stays and clutters my screen.
Also is there any way to disable it completely? I find it a little annoying, though I can see instances where it would be useful, I personally would rather just watch the properties tab to keep as little clutter on my screen as possible.
The “Show Numeric Measurements” setting in the Studio settings controls whether the box shows up.
What settings do I need to toggle to disable all of the new features and make Studio function exactly as it did before this update?
I’ve unticked every box in the Selection tab in Studio Settings, but there are still a few differences compared to pre-update Studio
Unfortunately, the only thing I liked about these changes is the scale meter box. It is truly useful! I wish I could turn off all of the features except that one but I couldn’t, so I had to turn the new dragger improvements off completely.
In Beta Features, untick Dragger QOL Improvements.
There is some bug when I set the movement to like 2st it still sometimes doesn’t move 2st instead 1.345st or something
Is there any way to show ALL axes while moving/scaling part and not just the one you’re holding? Old axes were very useful for me as I built everything without snapping and grid and I always used them to determine, for instance, the centre of the part or distance between parts.
P.s. nobody ever asked for this update. Rulers and measurements, as well as snapping and new hot keys are useful ONLY for 5 year olds who use toolbox models and don’t actually build. Period.
Hi @tnavarts , I seem to have noticed an issue with resizing. When trying to input a number field into the text box, you are unable to do so, as it disappears immediately after you stop resizing:
I am on Windows 11, running version 0.647.06470717.
Same issue seems to be occurring with rotation as well; so, only move dragger works as intended.
The new dragger makes it a pain to actual use the draggers which is the opposite of a QoL
i just want to make structures out of primitives
Is there any ay of Turning those imperovements off?
Now im not precise at all, for example i want to move something my 1 stud, it will move that one stud, but on center of grid which iritates me
When snapping parts onto other parts, I haven’t had the selected part rotate to have it’s orientation match that of the part I’m snapping it to. When the old dragger had this behavior, so am I missing something or does this just not exist with the new dragger?
ie If I drag a cube onto the sloped side of a wedge, the cube doesn’t rotate to be exactly on the wedge’s slope, and instead has its previous orientation stay.
Are we ever going to get scaling back on the shift key? It makes no sense to have it on a less accessible key like alt and give it’s original key to a purpose that will be used significantly less often.
It’s crazy just how much better quality of life is with this setting OFF.
When ROBLOX turned this on without me wanting or consenting to having it turned on, something as simple as just aligning a cylinder immediately became a nightmare.
And don’t even get me started on whatever is going on here:
No idea how this could ever be billed as an “improvement” to quality of life. It’s the diametric opposite. And yes, I’m sure you can turn these annoying and intrusive obstacles to development off through some arcane process of settings and PS2 Fighting Game-Style combo moves of your keybinds, but isn’t the whole point of Quality of Life to make it so I don’t need to do that?
Will we be able to drag parts into the sky again? I miss doing that and then pressing F
I’m having issues when grabbing objects like cylinders, spheres, wedges and other meshes, is there any way to disable this? When I click on the part, it attaches depending on the point I of the part that I selected. This has been affecting my workflow for a few months now, is there any way to disable this?
In Studio you can go to File → Beta Features → Dragger QoL Improvements [sic] and uncheck the box. I recommend everyone do this.
Thank you! That helps me A-lot since I’m more into the 2018 building tools.
Checking in on this, because I am excited for new tools & used these awhile back when they were first announced.
As a person who extensively has been around, for quite some time, probably putting 5000+ hours into building things on this platform I am worried about the forced implementation of this, as it seems to be still in discussion of replacing the current dragger workflow
-When the current workflow was introduced way back when, 100% amazing, great additions, I got used to them & they were added in a time that I HAD time to tinker
-When pivot editing was added, also perfect and unobtrusive since it was only additional
-these new tools ALSO seem neat & I am happy to assist in the improvement of this, however long that takes!
However, in production:
I can work really fast in the current workflow, I’ve created plugins and tools that synergize specifically with my workflow, I require a fast flow to push out updates in a timely manner. If this to shift, which seems to be already happening the last I checked last month & have reported here. I think it’d effect more than just the folks that are vocal here.
I personally feel like these types of features, unlike improvements towards games/experiences, should really be optional/flexible in even their implementation, It feels like a double standard to be making a really ‘flexible’ new tool that caters to ALL, but be very unflexible in making it optional. An ‘improvement’ here won’t universally make us all better builders in the long-term, and some folks are very good at using the current tools.
But again, as long as it isn’t forced, I am beyond ecstatic to help make these tools the best they can. If it’s a matter of having to update this because of engine requirements, I’d also suggest having a legacy version that closely matches the current as best as possible similar to how Humanoids now use the new character controllers under the hood.