Dragger QoL Improvements Enabled by Default

Same issue seems to be occurring with rotation as well; so, only move dragger works as intended.

The new dragger makes it a pain to actual use the draggers which is the opposite of a QoL

i just want to make structures out of primitives

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Is there any ay of Turning those imperovements off?
Now im not precise at all, for example i want to move something my 1 stud, it will move that one stud, but on center of grid which iritates me

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When snapping parts onto other parts, I haven’t had the selected part rotate to have it’s orientation match that of the part I’m snapping it to. When the old dragger had this behavior, so am I missing something or does this just not exist with the new dragger?

ie If I drag a cube onto the sloped side of a wedge, the cube doesn’t rotate to be exactly on the wedge’s slope, and instead has its previous orientation stay.

Are we ever going to get scaling back on the shift key? It makes no sense to have it on a less accessible key like alt and give it’s original key to a purpose that will be used significantly less often.