Dubai International Airport

Hey there! Since autumn break has started in my country, I have started a new project. I am trying to build Dubai Airport on a realistic scale. I’ve never seen anyone do this and thought I’d give it a shot myself. I would like to have some feedback already, criticism is welcome :slight_smile:
Ps. I posted this somewhere else too, but then i saw i posted it on the wrong place. So i closed it, here you can give some feedback :slight_smile:


First of all, when I opened this topic without seeing the screenshots, I honestly expected some not-so-great looking airport with absolutely no detail, but I was completly wrong.

So, as for today’s standard of many ROBLOX Airlines, this project seems to be really high-quality. Eventually, you could edit the lighting to make it look more realistic. Maybe even set this to night time and use future lighting for a really good looking effect.

One more thing, I would suggest you is to use some more textures, because using default roblox materials for such a build is not a great idea. The roof of this arrival some sort of parking [the first screenshot] seems to be all csg? (I mean the tiles on the roof). If that’s texture, maybe try to change the TextureTransparency to around 0.3-0.6. The same thing with the main roof (the big one) [the fourth screenshot], There I know it’s a texture but also, try to change the TextureTransparency because it looks, just straightly bad.

Besides that, amazing job! It looks like you put quite a lot of time into making it, and even tho this topic is really old, I hope you will again get motivated to work on this airport! (Or you are still working on it, but I feel like you might have leaved it because it’s too much work for one person.)


This amazing! One recommendation is to improve the lighting on the 3rd screenshot.


Yes, i’ve kinda lost motivation due to school has started, since we have a 2 week break now; I might just keep on going. I also appreciate the feedback about texturing. I don’t really use the way of texturing so it’s also for me a learning point about using textures. So thank you for your feedback :+1:, oh and about the roof in the first picture. That’s indeed a texture and not csg. I’m trying to make it compatible for every device. (Maybe not for older and slower devices, but I’m trying!) So thank you again for your feedback. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I have been living in Dubai. The airport has a metro system from dpartures/arrivals to the actual gates. Very amazing detail to the screenshots tho.