Dunkin’ Queen Alliance Information
The guide below will posses all information needed for you to understand how to form an alliance with Dunkin’ Queen. The guide will have information on requirements, questions, and contact information. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of our Public Relations Team.
Must have at least 10,000 non-botted members.
Must have at least 200 non-botted members in your discord server.
Your group must not have a bad history within the Roblox Community.
Your group must send over 1-2 Alliance Representatives.
Your Group must be fully released.
No free ranking.
Group must be some sort of business group.
Must be an active organization; Discord and Roblox.
Must be willing to announce Dunkin’ Queen announcements, events, etc.
After reading through the requirements, we hope that you are able to apply for an alliance! If you, unfortunately, do not meet our requirements, we are very disappointed to hear that, but don’t fret, we would be delighted if you would come and pay us a visit, as well as apply when you meet requirements!
Current Head of Public Relations:
ROBLOX Username: @vespalia
Discord Tag: daisily#0001
Please keep note that you may still be declined even if you meet the set requirements. It will take approximately 1 - 3 business days for the Dunkin’ Queen Public Relations Team to get back in-contact with you after your application has been submitted.
On behalf of the Dunkin’ Queen Public Relations team, we want to thank you for taking the time to submit an alliance request to us. We wish you nothing, but the very best of luck. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact anyone with the Public Relations Department role.
Application Questions
What is the name of your group?
What type of group are you? e.g. cafe, school, restaurant
Why do you want to form an alliance with Dunkin’ Queen?
How can your group benefit Dunkin’ Queen, and how will Dunkin’ Queen benefit you?
Do you understand that your group must remain active and announce Dunkin’ Queen announcements, events, etc, and follow all of our regulations?
Do you understand that if your group starts going downhill, losing members, gaining a bad reputation, we will have to terminate you?
Please list your representatives. (1-2 reps allowed, roblox and discord tags)
Please provide the roblox link and a discord invite to your group.
Who should we send the application results to? (discord tag)
Any questions or concerns? (If not, leave blank)
Dunkin’ Queen Public Relations