Dwiddle ~ Status Effects

After literally hours and hours of remaking this and then scrapping it and then doing that over again 2 times, I’ve finally got this prototype working! :tongue:

This is just a prototype! :cry: aka not totally finished :blush:

So basically depending on what biome your in, your status bar with flunctuate accordingly,
there will be a total of 9 status effects these being assicoated with the biomes below and also when your just in fields!

You may or may not be wondering well, @IProgramForFun what if you have Frostbite and then you travel to a Desert?

Well, about that and being realistic to how the real world is the biomes wont ever be relatively close to each other; youll have to either pass through the Plains / Fields biome before you can actually reach Desert / Dunes; vice versa for Desert / Dunes to Snow Biome

In this small prototype showcase; Im just showing how it would be if you were to have all the biomes side by side; this was just for testing of course :tongue:

Also to not confuse you, after youve either come out of the snow biome or come out of the dunes biome and you enter the plains biome depending on how much you gained or how much you lost itll always go back to half because thats when your in the “Normal” status effect state!
Sorry if thats confusing! :tongue:

Fields to Snow

Snow to Fields

Fields to Desert

You get the gist! :blush:

Snow Biome :snowflake:

  • Cool
  • Cold
  • Hypothermia
  • Frostbite

Desert / Dune Biome :cactus:

  • Warm
  • Humid
  • Hot
  • Heatstroke

Plains / Fields :herb:

  • Normal

Bit big, but seems cool enough. Would there be a way to defend against frostbite, other than making a fire?

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Actually Im not even really sure because, I dont know if I should make Dwiddleshave clothes

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alright that is fair enough, clothes on a dwiddle would look weird, that’s why I suggest a hat if you are going to do something alike.

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Yea hats would probably be the way to go honestly :blush:

OOOOOOOOOH that is what you were talking about yesterday. THIS IS SO COOL :cool:

What happens when you go too far on either side?

Yeah dude you kinda got it right with the weather :blush:

You should make it snow when you are in the snow biome. The run cooldown should be faster in the dune biome. ( I think dune sounds better than desert)

Basically if your in a biome for a set amount of time the effects will start

If your in the snow biome for like lets just say 10 seconds then your status effect will be cool, say you stay for another 10 seconds youll be cold say you stay until the bar reaches zero well you my friend have frostbite :tongue:

Yeah I plan on making snow effects when your in different biomes I could easily implement it :blush:

What about the faster stamina loss in the dune biome?

In Dwiddle you can run forever, there really isnt a stamina loss :blush:

Well if you stop youll be “out of breath” but if you just hold the sprint forever youll run literally forever

Also im trying to make Dwiddle simple but like if you take a magnifying glass itll be more intricate and immersive; I dont want the game to have difficult mechanics to understand but I want them to also be really fun and have alot of different styles

Out of breath is what I meant, sorry for the inconvenience.

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Seems really cool, I’d maybe make the status UI a bit smaller, but seems like a cool system!

I’ve been watching these topics and watching your progress since your first post in Dwiddle!
If you want a tester when it is done, I’d be glad to contribute!


Yeah the UI is definitely to big, and thanks man means so much; dont remember you though

Finally! A dwiddle progress update! The animations look sick! They don’t see to change that much though.

I would love to be a tester too! XD

Yeah the animations are alright LMFAO, but thanks for the support and Ill keep my out for you :blush:

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