Dynamic Skies Are Getting Cloudy

When its out, Its not currently in open beta.

Well you do actually have to put it in workspace. Dunno if they changed it though.

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So I looked at it again, It does appear you can in fact put it in workspace. Really you can put it anywhere and It will still be functional. Not sure if that’s a intentional feature but that does appear to be the case.


Hey, Not sure if this is exactly a but or not but you can insert the object anywhere you want. Say I wanted clouds in serverscriptservice I can put them in there and poof I have clouds. As long as the object “Clouds” is detected in game it will enable them.

how do i enable these, im in the beta list too

(sorry if im being dumb)

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It’s not currently released. Please read the previous posts. They said they’re going to release it next week probably.

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Hopefully there will be options to also allow the clouds to be in 3D space with a cloud level property, not just part of the skybox. I hope to see more complex skybox manipulation in the future to allow for things like going into space and flying an airplane above and into the clouds. Maybe even ground cloud simulation for accurate fog rather than like with the atmosphere component


@ProfessorKJM any update, it’s almost Friday where I am and

Is this another delay?

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Maybe :man_shrugging:.
It might be that the clouds are so buggy that they are unstable

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We’d like to share some further reflection on the currently released version of Clouds (since Studio version 458 and updated right now in version 459).

Similar to a regular Beta Feature, Clouds are accessible for developer experimentation already. However, in current released form, it does not enable use in deployed beta experiences. We recognized the need to have Clouds more easily accessible as a formal Studio Beta Feature so that wider performance information can be gathered from the community and improve chances of smooth usage in places everywhere. So, with that, the plan is to add Clouds as a Studio Beta Feature in the first released version of the new year.

Do please continue to experiment and feedback in the meantime, we really appreciate the performance information and feature suggestions and are already working these into next year’s plan!


Hello, there is some information that has already passed more than a week and it is not in the beta


see for yourself, this just keeps getting worse and worse, I get that Roblox wants it to be bug free, but everything in it’s first phase is going to have bugs!!! At least give us a crappy cloud feature than giving nothing at all


Agreed. It would be much better if Roblox rolled out this feature now as I am struggling to find a decent cloud script for one of my FPS games.


apart from that I see some errors in the clouds sometimes they look very black so much that it is as if they had ink or something like thatimage
another thing is that mac users can’t enjoy mod manager as this is only for windows somewhat disappointing


So lately, I been trying to use the cloud on the studio mod manager and I find out that

there is some bug, for example, you can see it in the video below

By the way, I love to see it finally getting some improvement, for example, the quality of the clouds and also it moving ee

Here the one I get before it starts to bug


What you have discovered there my friend is not a cloud… :laughing:

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Hahaha Idk man it looks like a tsunami and alien ship lol

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Although this may not be the primary cause I’ve noticed anything relating to FOV change the clouds do not like. This could potentially affect games using different FOV Changes besides the Default (70)

https://gyazo.com/7766f6f1c0e10d0410b53905cd97b660 | Clip


November 13th this was created. November 20th would have been the release. As of today it still has not been released. What happened? Am I missing something? It’s been 45 days.


We’ve discovered so many bugs with the clouds and Just recently I discovered a bug with the clouds massively deforming with any other FOV other than 70. So unless you want those bugs I’d suggest to be patient just a tad bit longer.