Easiest Way to make Hair in Blender
Heyyyy! I’ve had a few people message me on how UGC Creators or how I make hair in, “Blender”. Which is a 3D Modeling Program, etc. It’s completely free for those who wanna give it a go. Please, keep in mind that nothing comes with ease in 1 day. Everything requires constant practice to better yourself at what you do. I know there’s several post on how to go about making hair on blender such as: How to make Hair in Blender ;but here’s my version.
Blender: https://www.blender.org/
Remember with constant practice you’ll perfect your modeling skills!
There’s a much easier way to go about making hair using similar modifiers.
Useful Keys:
E = Extrude
A = Select All
S = Scale (X, Y, Z)
CTRL + R = Loopcut
Z = Wire frame Mode
TAB = Edit Mode
B = Drag to select multiple vertices/faces/edges
SHIFT + A = Add Menu (Mesh > Cylinder)
1 = Vertex Select; 2 = Edge Select; 3 = Face Select
You want to start by exporting a ROBLOX RIG from ROBLOX Studio into Blender. You can find different kinds of rig in the “Plugins” tab.
Then you’ll want to open the RIG In Blender by importing it as an “.obj” file.
Usually, you’d want to start with the root of a hair. So, you’d want to form a cylinder and change the vertices to “12-18” Whatever makes you feel comfortable. Then you’ll want to position the cylinder on the roof of the RIG.
*Once you’ve got your cylinder in place, you’ll want to give it 2 loop cuts near the bottom to give you room to scale the top of the cylinder downwards and later extrude and scale it to make a proper root for hair. You’ll want to do all of this in, “Edit Mode”, by hitting “TAB” On your keyboard.
*Then you’ll want to smooth shade it and mark the seams. You’ll be able to do that by select all of the mesh and using your RightMouseButton to click on “Shade Smooth” and or click the “Face” button and select “Shade Smooth”
You can then hit the Green Triangle and add “Normals > Auto Smooth” This helps you create in-depth faces without creating doubles. You can also change the angle of your mesh.
Now, you’ll want to scale the bottom faces of your mesh in.

Now you want to edge select some of the edges on your mesh and make them sharp for a realistic feel to your hair, you can also scale it in depending on the hair your creating.

Your Officially Done with the root of the hair. Now, to create the actual strands of hair, my favorite part!
Add (Mesh > Cube > Scale it down)
Here’s the fun part: (Get Into Edit Mode)
Add a Modifier called, “Subdivision Surface”
It’s going to give you this weird shaped mesh that you probably don’t want, not to worry what you want to do is select a face on the cube and Extrude that face! (You can also rotate that face using the key (R + Y); We’ll also want to mirror our mesh so it forms on both axis. So, let’s add that modifier in Edit Mode: It’s called; “Mirror”
- Now, you can scale the edges of the cube and play around with it to give it strands of hair.
You’ll want to repeat the same step for the root, (Smooth Shade > Normals (Auto Smooth)"
Lastly, you can create the the back and other strands using the same step, when you scale the cubes edges it has an effect on that “Weird Mesh”!
Have Fun Creating your wonderful hairs, if you find this resource useful post your different hairs in reply! I’d love to check it out!
If you have any question you can message me through the forum or on twitter. @Ayzilo_o
Thank you so much!
woman rig.obj (300.8 KB)
If you don’t know how to get the RIG, there it is above this sentence! Enjoy!!