EasyFirstPerson: Drag-and-drop first person view models!

I had considered this fix before but it seems to create other problems for the system. It does fix the touched events not firing bug, but for whatever reason it entirely breaks nearly any raycast-based weapon system I’ve tried with it, with the issue appearing to be serious inconsistencies between player limbs and weapon parts on the server versus on the client.

I did some more testing today to see if these problems could be mitigated still to no avail - but I will continue looking for a complete solution to this issue.


My guess is AssemblyLinearVelocity on FakeRootPart wasn’t updated

I’m going to try suggesting possible fixes, please don’t cringe as I’m only basing this off the evidence in this post; I HAVEN’T CHECKED THE SOURCE CODE YET.

What you could do is locally build a completely new rig from scratch in Workspace. Give it everything a normal rig has: a head, torso, arms, legs, Humanoid, Motor6Ds, the works. Make every part the same size and position as its real character equivalent. Clone any tools, parent it to the fake rig, then set all the body parts’ LocalTransparencyModifier to 1 except for left and right arms. Make them all anchored, massless, untouchable (CanTouch = false), and unqueryable (CanQuery = false). Clone the real character’s shirt onto that fake rig and give the fake rig the same skin color. Repeat for everything; essentially just build a new player character clone. It should appear as a pair of arms floating. Ensure that HumanoidRootPart is the primary part.

Do all the fun arm movement calculations on the fake rig. You can also call :PivotTo() to ensure the fake rig is at the same position as the real character.

Listen for tool updates on the real character, and update their respective fake Instances as needed. This should work as you’re not affecting any stuff on the server. As the server isn’t seeing the stuff you made locally, .Touched events on the server should be unaffected. This leaves the real arms unaffected.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:
I may have gone overboard with the fixes… which might not even work :confused:


Wish this was included in the post, I spent over an hour debugging this :cry:

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Hey, thanks for creating this! I wanted to share that I created a fork of this system to massively improve the codebase, add optimizations, and fix a few unhandled issues! https://github.com/MonzterDev/First-Person-Camera-Roblox


you sure that it’s fully working for everyone?

i’ve looked at the settings and this is what i got

doesn’t sway and doesn’t move at all, atleast managed to see my arms

try removing the layered clothing you’re wearing

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What does that have to do with this? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
they’re just accessory

just tried it and layered clothing is causing it


Everything which works in the original system, works in the one I posted. I did make some bug fixes as well, so more things should also work.

If you find an issue, test it with both the original system and my updated system and let me know.

Otherwise, seems like you’ve already had this issue answered.

I thank you for making this since this is gonna save ours of my life much thamks (edit im gonna make some changes to fit my game)

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apologies for the slight necropost, but is there a way to only make the arms move when you equip a tool?

i am using a separate first-person body script, and i wanna make sure you can see it all when your tool isn’t equipped, thank you

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This resource is awesome! Keep up the good work! I have a slight problem. I’m currently making a grappling gun game, but when I attach rope constraints to the tool, it doesn’t block the player from moving more and just stretches the rope constraint. Without the script, it works.

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you can already see your arms if you swing your camera around, you’ll have to mess with the offset until you can see them more visibly i believe

(black parts are obviously my arms)

Hey, I apologize for bumping this however I am having trouble with the script.
Whenever I aim down it’s like a force makes the character move.

This also happens to me too but whenever I’m swimming…
I think it has to do with the arms but try checking if your
Tool has can collide checked

if you set the cameramode to lockfirstperson, the player just go flying for some reason please fix :sweat_smile: @yelowfat

I’m having a bug, when I fire my gun the projectile doesn’t come out from the correct point in the viewmodel its kinda rare but is still game breaking when it happens. (I’m using fe gun kit)

Does anyone know if you can make so this only works with certain tools?

Hello my gun is not following the arms, My gun is a model,Inside of starter character