EasyFirstPerson: Drag-and-drop first person view models!

you sure that it’s fully working for everyone?

i’ve looked at the settings and this is what i got

doesn’t sway and doesn’t move at all, atleast managed to see my arms

try removing the layered clothing you’re wearing

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What does that have to do with this? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
they’re just accessory

just tried it and layered clothing is causing it


Everything which works in the original system, works in the one I posted. I did make some bug fixes as well, so more things should also work.

If you find an issue, test it with both the original system and my updated system and let me know.

Otherwise, seems like you’ve already had this issue answered.

I thank you for making this since this is gonna save ours of my life much thamks (edit im gonna make some changes to fit my game)

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apologies for the slight necropost, but is there a way to only make the arms move when you equip a tool?

i am using a separate first-person body script, and i wanna make sure you can see it all when your tool isn’t equipped, thank you

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This resource is awesome! Keep up the good work! I have a slight problem. I’m currently making a grappling gun game, but when I attach rope constraints to the tool, it doesn’t block the player from moving more and just stretches the rope constraint. Without the script, it works.

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you can already see your arms if you swing your camera around, you’ll have to mess with the offset until you can see them more visibly i believe

(black parts are obviously my arms)

Hey, I apologize for bumping this however I am having trouble with the script.
Whenever I aim down it’s like a force makes the character move.

This also happens to me too but whenever I’m swimming…
I think it has to do with the arms but try checking if your
Tool has can collide checked

if you set the cameramode to lockfirstperson, the player just go flying for some reason please fix :sweat_smile: @yelowfat

I’m having a bug, when I fire my gun the projectile doesn’t come out from the correct point in the viewmodel its kinda rare but is still game breaking when it happens. (I’m using fe gun kit)

Does anyone know if you can make so this only works with certain tools?

Hello my gun is not following the arms, My gun is a model,Inside of starter character

What is ‘‘Tool.CanAnim.Value’’?

No your tool is can colide = true turn it off

It has to bee a tool! (gbshgafsa)

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[Bug] Easy First Person seems to not work with my rag doll engine. When i try go first person the character freezes where you are (including in the air). I tried to find any collision properties in my rag doll engine server/client scripts but nothing worked. Please get back to me if you know how to fix this and i can also provide more details thanks

UPDATE: Because this script (EFP) creates 2 new parts ‘fake root’ and ‘fake torso’ part(s), adding to the rag doll engine scripts is the main way to fix this. You can do this by adding these 2 new parts into the script(s) wherever it is needed (I havent tried this yet but I know this to be the problem).

TEMPORARY FIX: I commented out anything in the local script of Easy First Person that revolves around the ‘fake root’, ‘fake torso’, ‘viewmodel’ parts that are created at the start of the script. I then changed the values that are = to those commented out variables to parts that exist in the player already e.g. rightshoulderclone.Part0 = character.UpperTorso instead of faketorso.

IMPORTANT: if you are using this temporary fix and you have guns in your game that the EFP was intended for then you will need to redo your gun idle, shoot, aim animations and you will need to add the ‘Upper Torso’ and ‘Lower Torso’ in the animation so that when you are in first person it doesnt move your players arms like normal.

You will understand what to do better once u comment out lines 59 - 80 as your scroll bar will show you the parts of the code that need commenting out or changing. I will post the new code here.


-- EasyFirstPerson by yellowfats 2021.
-- Place in StarterCharacterScripts
-- Editted by Oddpast786 for use with rag doll engines (Temporary fix [find Easy First Person forum on devforum.roblox.com to see update on the problem])


--/////////// CONFIGURATIONS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

local sensitivity = 1 -- how quick/snappy the sway movements are. Don't go above 2
local swaysize = 1 -- how large/powerful the sway is. Don't go above 2
local includestrafe = false -- if true the fps arms will sway when the character is strafing
local includewalksway = true -- if true, fps arms will sway when you are walking
local includecamerasway = true -- if true, fps arms will sway when you move the camera
local includejumpsway = true -- if true, jumping will have an effect on the viewmodel
local headoffset = Vector3.new(0,0,0.5) -- the offset from the default camera position of the head. (0,1,0) will put the camera one stud above the head.
local firstperson_arm_transparency = 0 -- the transparency of the arms in first person; set to 1 for invisible and set to 0 for fully visible.
local firstperson_waist_movements_enabled = false -- if true, animations will affect the Uppertorso. If false, the uppertorso stays still while in first person (applies to R15 only)

--//////// DO NOT EDIT BELOW UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local runservice = game:GetService("RunService")
local tweenservice = game:GetService("TweenService")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
repeat runservice.Heartbeat:Wait() until script.Parent:IsA("Model") -- yield until character
local character = player.Character
local rootpart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local aimoffset = script:WaitForChild("AimOffset") -- a property for other scripts to use to influence the viewmodel offset (such as a gun aim system)
local torso
local roothip
local lowertorso
local oldc0
local leftshoulder
local rightshoulder
local larm
local rarm
local armparts = {}
local rigtype = nil

local isrunning = false
local armsvisible = true -- whether the arms are visible in first person
local armtransparency = firstperson_arm_transparency
local isfirstperson = false
local sway = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
local walksway = CFrame.new(0,0,0)
local strafesway = CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
local jumpsway = CFrame.new(0,0,0)
local jumpswaygoal = Instance.new("CFrameValue")

-- create the viewmodel
--local viewmodel = Instance.new("Model")
--local fakeroot = Instance.new("Part")
--viewmodel.Name = "Viewmodel"
--fakeroot.Name = "HumanoidRootPart"
--fakeroot.CanCollide = false
--fakeroot.CanTouch = false
--fakeroot.Anchored = false	
--fakeroot.Massless = true
--fakeroot.Transparency = 1
--fakeroot.Parent = viewmodel
--local faketorso = Instance.new("Part")
--faketorso.Name = "Torso"
--faketorso.CanCollide = false
--faketorso.CanTouch = false
--faketorso.Transparency = 1
--faketorso.Anchored = false
--faketorso.Massless = true
--faketorso.Parent = viewmodel
--viewmodel.PrimaryPart = fakeroot
--viewmodel.WorldPivot = fakeroot.CFrame+fakeroot.CFrame.UpVector*5
--viewmodel.Parent = nil
local fakelowertorso = nil
local waistclone = nil
local leftshoulderclone = nil
local rightshoulderclone = nil
local roothipclone = nil

--// SETUP \\-----------------------------------------------------

-- setup based on rig type (r15 or r6)
if humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then
	rigtype = "R15"
	torso = character:WaitForChild("UpperTorso")
	lowertorso = character:WaitForChild("LowerTorso")
	larm = character:WaitForChild("LeftUpperArm")
	rarm = character:WaitForChild("RightUpperArm")
	-- setup variables
	waist = torso:WaitForChild("Waist")
	oldc0 = waist.C0
	leftshoulder = character:WaitForChild("LeftUpperArm"):WaitForChild("LeftShoulder")
	rightshoulder = character:WaitForChild("RightUpperArm"):WaitForChild("RightShoulder")
	-- make fake lower torso
	fakelowertorso = Instance.new("Part")
	fakelowertorso.Name = "LowerTorso"
	fakelowertorso.CanCollide = false
	--fakelowertorso.Anchored = false
	fakelowertorso.CanTouch = false
	fakelowertorso.Transparency = 1
	--fakelowertorso.Massless = true
	--fakelowertorso.Parent = viewmodel
	--faketorso.Size = torso.Size
	--fakeroot.Size = rootpart.Size
	fakelowertorso.Size = lowertorso.Size
	--faketorso.CFrame = fakeroot.CFrame
	roothipclone = lowertorso:WaitForChild("Root"):Clone()
	roothipclone.Parent = fakelowertorso
	--roothipclone.Part0 = fakeroot
	roothipclone.Part1 = fakelowertorso
	if firstperson_waist_movements_enabled then
		waistclone = torso:WaitForChild("Waist"):Clone()
		--waistclone.Parent = faketorso
		waistclone.Part0 = fakelowertorso
		--waistclone.Part1 = faketorso
		-- waist movements not enabled, replace waist joint with a weld
		waistclone = Instance.new("Weld")
		--waistclone.Parent = faketorso
		waistclone.Part0 = fakelowertorso
		--waistclone.Part1 = faketorso
		waistclone.C0 = waist.C0
		waistclone.C1 = waist.C1
	leftshoulderclone = leftshoulder:Clone()
	leftshoulderclone.Name = "LeftShoulderClone"
	--leftshoulderclone.Parent = faketorso
	leftshoulderclone.Part0 = larm
	rightshoulderclone = rightshoulder:Clone()
	rightshoulderclone.Name = "RightShoulderClone"
	--rightshoulderclone.Parent = faketorso
	rightshoulderclone.Part0 = rarm
	-- add the arms
	table.insert(armparts, character:WaitForChild("RightLowerArm"))
	table.insert(armparts, character:WaitForChild("LeftUpperArm"))
	table.insert(armparts, character:WaitForChild("RightUpperArm"))
	table.insert(armparts, character:WaitForChild("LeftLowerArm"))
	table.insert(armparts, character:WaitForChild("RightLowerArm"))
	rigtype = "R6"
	torso = character:WaitForChild("Torso")
	-- add the arms
	table.insert(armparts, character:WaitForChild("Right Arm"))
	table.insert(armparts, character:WaitForChild("Left Arm"))
	-- setup variables
	roothip = rootpart:FindFirstChildOfClass("Motor6D")
	oldc0 = roothip.C0
	leftshoulder = torso:WaitForChild("Left Shoulder")
	rightshoulder = torso:WaitForChild("Right Shoulder")
	--faketorso.Size = torso.Size
	--fakeroot.Size = rootpart.Size
	--faketorso.CFrame = fakeroot.CFrame
	roothipclone = roothip:Clone()
	--roothipclone.Parent = fakeroot
	--roothipclone.Part0 = fakeroot
	--roothipclone.Part1 = faketorso
	leftshoulderclone = leftshoulder:Clone()
	leftshoulderclone.Name = "LeftShoulderClone"
	leftshoulderclone.Parent = torso
	leftshoulderclone.Part0 = torso
	rightshoulderclone = rightshoulder:Clone()
	rightshoulderclone.Name = "RightShoulderClone"
	rightshoulderclone.Parent = torso
	rightshoulderclone.Part0 = torso
	larm = character:WaitForChild("Left Arm")
	rarm = character:WaitForChild("Right Arm")

if firstperson_arm_transparency >= 1 then
	armsvisible = false

--// FUNCTIONS \\----------------------------------------------------

-- loop through all the arm parts and make them visible in first person
local function visiblearms(bool)
	if armsvisible then
		local castshadow = not bool
		for i, part in ipairs(armparts) do
			part.LocalTransparencyModifier = armtransparency
			part.CastShadow = castshadow

-- enable the viewmodel system
local function enableviewmodel()
	isfirstperson = true
	--viewmodel.Parent = workspace.CurrentCamera
	if rigtype == "R15" then
		-- disable character joints, enable viewmodel joints
		rightshoulderclone.Enabled = true
		leftshoulderclone.Enabled = true
		-- disable real shoulders
		leftshoulder.Enabled = false
		rightshoulder.Enabled = false
		rightshoulderclone.Part1 = rarm
		rightshoulderclone.Part0 = character.UpperTorso --faketorso
		rightshoulderclone.Parent = character.UpperTorso --faketorso
		leftshoulderclone.Part1 = larm
		leftshoulderclone.Part0 = character.UpperTorso --faketorso
		leftshoulderclone.Parent = character.UpperTorso --faketorso
		armtransparency = firstperson_arm_transparency
		rightshoulderclone.Enabled = true
		leftshoulderclone.Enabled = true
		-- disable real shoulders
		leftshoulder.Enabled = false
		rightshoulder.Enabled = false
		rightshoulderclone.Part1 = rarm
		rightshoulderclone.Part0 = character.UpperTorso --faketorso
		rightshoulderclone.Parent = character.UpperTorso --faketorso
		leftshoulderclone.Part1 = larm
		leftshoulderclone.Part0 = character.UpperTorso --faketorso
		leftshoulderclone.Parent = character.UpperTorso --faketorso
		armtransparency = firstperson_arm_transparency

-- turn off the viewmodel system
local function disableviewmodel()
	isfirstperson = false
	--viewmodel.Parent = nil
	if rigtype == "R15" then
		-- disable viewmodel joints, enable real character joints
		rightshoulderclone.Enabled = false
		leftshoulderclone.Enabled = false
		--viewmodel.Parent = nil
		-- reset shoulder joints to normal
		leftshoulder.Parent = larm
		leftshoulder.Part0 = torso
		leftshoulder.Part1 = larm
		rightshoulder.Parent = rarm
		rightshoulder.Part0 = torso
		rightshoulder.Part1 = rarm
		leftshoulder.Enabled = true
		rightshoulder.Enabled = true
		armtransparency = 0
		rightshoulderclone.Enabled = false
		leftshoulderclone.Enabled = false
		--viewmodel.Parent = nil
		-- reset shoulder joints to normal, anchor the arms
		leftshoulder.Parent = torso
		leftshoulder.Part0 = torso
		leftshoulder.Part1 = larm
		rightshoulder.Parent = torso
		rightshoulder.Part0 = torso
		rightshoulder.Part1 = rarm
		leftshoulder.Enabled = true
		rightshoulder.Enabled = true
		armtransparency = 0

-- check if camera is zoomed into first person
local function checkfirstperson()
	if isfirstperson == false then -- not in first person
		if ((camera.focus.p - camera.CFrame.p).magnitude <= 1) then
	elseif ((camera.focus.p - camera.CFrame.p).magnitude > 1.1) then

--// CONNECTIONS \\--------------------------------------------------

-- update whether the character is running or not
	if speed <= .3 then
		isrunning = false
		isrunning = true

-- listen for jumping and landing and apply sway and camera mvoement to the viewmodel
humanoid.StateChanged:connect(function(oldstate, newstate)
	if isfirstperson == true and includejumpsway == true then -- dont apply camera/viewmodel changes if we aren't in first person
		if newstate == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then
			-- animate the camera's landing "thump"
			-- tween a dummy cframe value for camera recoil
			local camedit = Instance.new("CFrameValue")
			camedit.Value = CFrame.new(0,0,0)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-0.75)*swaysize,0,0)
			local landedrecoil = tweenservice:Create(camedit, TweenInfo.new((0.03*6)/sensitivity, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {Value = CFrame.new(0,0,0)}) ; landedrecoil:Play() ; game.Debris:AddItem(landedrecoil, 2)
				camedit.Value = CFrame.new(0,0,0)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0.225)*swaysize,0,0)
				local landedrecovery = tweenservice:Create(camedit, TweenInfo.new((0.03*24)/sensitivity, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {Value = CFrame.new(0,0,0)}) ; landedrecovery:Play(); game.Debris:AddItem(landedrecovery, 3)
			-- apply the camera adjustments
				for i = 1,60 do
					camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame*camedit.Value
			-- animate the jump sway to make the viewmodel thump down on landing
			local viewmodelrecoil = tweenservice:Create(jumpswaygoal, TweenInfo.new(0.15/sensitivity, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {Value = CFrame.new(0,0,0)*CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(5)*swaysize,0,0)}) ; viewmodelrecoil:Play(); game.Debris:AddItem(viewmodelrecoil, 2)
				local viewmodelrecovery = tweenservice:Create(jumpswaygoal, TweenInfo.new(0.7/sensitivity, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {Value = CFrame.new(0,0,0)}) ; viewmodelrecovery:Play() ; game.Debris:AddItem(viewmodelrecovery, 2)
		elseif newstate == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
			-- animate jump sway when the character is falling or jumping
			local viewmodeljump = tweenservice:Create(jumpswaygoal, TweenInfo.new(0.5/sensitivity, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine), {Value = CFrame.new(0,0,0)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(7.5)*swaysize,0,0)}) ; viewmodeljump:Play() ; game.Debris:AddItem(viewmodeljump, 2)

-- detect if they lock first person mode during a live game
local playerchanged_con = nil
playerchanged_con = player.Changed:Connect(function(property)
	if property == "CameraMaxZoomDistance" or property == "CameraMode" then
		if player.CameraMaxZoomDistance <= 0.5 or player.CameraMode == Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson then

-- shut down the script when we die and reset things
	if rigtype == "R15" then
		if torso:FindFirstChild("Waist") then
			torso.Waist.Enabled = true
			torso.Anchored = false
		armtransparency = 0
		if rightshoulder then
			rightshoulder.Enabled = true
		if leftshoulder then
			leftshoulder.Enabled = true
		larm.Anchored = false
		rarm.Anchored = false
		armtransparency = 0

--// INITIAL CHECK \\-----------------------------------------------
-- we are checking to see if they've locked first person view
if (game.StarterPlayer.CameraMode == Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson) or (game.StarterPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance <= 0.5) then
	enableviewmodel() -- theyve locked first person, so enable viewmodel from the start

stepped_con = nil

-- perform the update loop
if rigtype == "R15" then
	-- do the r15 update loop
	stepped_con = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
		-- checkfirstperson() checks if camera is first person and enables/disables the viewmodel accordingly
		-- update loop
		if isfirstperson == true then
			-- make arms visible
			-- update walk sway if we are walking
			if isrunning == true and includewalksway and humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall and humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then
				walksway = walksway:lerp(

						(0.1*swaysize) * math.sin(tick() * (2 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)),
						(0.1*swaysize) * math.cos(tick() * (4 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)),


							(-.05*swaysize) * math.sin(tick() * (2 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4))

				walksway = walksway:Lerp(CFrame.new(), 0.05*sensitivity)
			local delta = uis:GetMouseDelta()
			if includecamerasway then
				sway = sway:Lerp(Vector3.new(delta.X,delta.Y,delta.X/2), 0.1*sensitivity)
			if includestrafe then
				strafesway = strafesway:Lerp(CFrame.Angles(0,0,-rootpart.CFrame.rightVector:Dot(humanoid.MoveDirection)/(10/swaysize)), 0.1*sensitivity)
			if includejumpsway then
				jumpsway = jumpswaygoal.Value
			-- update animation transform for viewmodel
			rightshoulderclone.Transform = rightshoulder.Transform
			leftshoulderclone.Transform = leftshoulder.Transform
			if firstperson_waist_movements_enabled then
				waistclone.Transform = waist.Transform
			-- cframe the viewmodel
			local finalcf = (camera.CFrame*walksway*jumpsway*strafesway*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(sway.Y*swaysize),math.rad(sway.X*swaysize)/10,math.rad(sway.Z*swaysize)/2))+(camera.CFrame.UpVector*(-1.7-(headoffset.Y+(aimoffset.Value.Y))))+(camera.CFrame.LookVector*(headoffset.Z+(aimoffset.Value.Z)))+(camera.CFrame.RightVector*(-headoffset.X-(aimoffset.Value.X)+(-(sway.X*swaysize)/75)))
elseif rigtype == "R6" then
	-- do the R6 update loop
	stepped_con = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
		-- checkfirstperson() checks if camera is first person and enables/disables the viewmodel accordingly
		-- update loop
		if isfirstperson == true then
			-- make arms visible
			-- update walk sway if we are walking
			if isrunning == true and includewalksway and humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall and humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then
				walksway = walksway:lerp(

						(0.07*swaysize) * math.sin(tick() * (2 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)),
						(0.07*swaysize) * math.cos(tick() * (4 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)),


							(-.03*swaysize) * math.sin(tick() * (2 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4))

				walksway = walksway:Lerp(CFrame.new(), 0.05*sensitivity)
			local delta = uis:GetMouseDelta()
			if includecamerasway then
				sway = sway:Lerp(Vector3.new(delta.X,delta.Y,delta.X/2), 0.1*sensitivity)
			if includestrafe then
				strafesway = strafesway:Lerp(CFrame.Angles(0,0,-rootpart.CFrame.rightVector:Dot(humanoid.MoveDirection)/(20/swaysize)), 0.1*sensitivity)
			if includejumpsway == true then
				jumpsway = jumpswaygoal.Value
			-- update animation transform for viewmodel
			rightshoulderclone.Transform = rightshoulder.Transform
			leftshoulderclone.Transform = leftshoulder.Transform
			-- cframe the viewmodel
			local finalcf = (camera.CFrame*walksway*jumpsway*strafesway*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(sway.Y*swaysize),math.rad(sway.X*swaysize)/10,math.rad(sway.Z*swaysize)/2))+(camera.CFrame.UpVector*(-1.7-(headoffset.Y+(aimoffset.Value.Y))))+(camera.CFrame.LookVector*(headoffset.Z+(aimoffset.Value.Z)))+(camera.CFrame.RightVector*(-headoffset.X-(aimoffset.Value.X)+(-(sway.X*swaysize)/75)))


thanks its very cool
i could have not made this on my own
i have been coding on roblox for 10 months now but im still a noob