EasyNick - Simple Nametag System

This is pretty much discontinued and to be honest is pretty bad. Wouldn't recommend this over making your own, however if you can't do that you should use this module.


EasyNick is an easy to set up modular nametag system, it takes only two lines for your nametags to be set.

Supports optional non case-sensitive AFK commands, as well as optional Display Name support.

EasyNick currently supports 5 types of nametags.
You can change the font & such in the “Nametag” Billboard GUI parented to the ModuleScript.



Classic Nametag: A nametag showing your username, display name (optional), group rank, and staff badge if you’re above the minimum staff rank, as well as a Roblox Premium badge. - module.Create(DefaultColor : Color3, MinimumStaffRank : number, GroupId : number, AFKCommandsEnabled : boolean, DisplayNameSupported : boolean)

NPC Nametag: Assign nametags to your NPCs! Supporting Title, Text below title & a badge. - module.CreateNPCNametag(NPC : Model, Title : string, Text2 : string, Badge :string, TitleColor : Color3)

TeamTag: This is basically classic nametag, but instead of your rank it shows your team. - module.Create2(DisplayNameSupported : boolean, AFKCommandsEnabled : boolean)

PlayerTag - A non unique nametag showcasing a title for every player, and badge. - module.Create3(DefaultColor : Color3, Title : string, Badge : string, DisplayNameSupported : boolean, OwnerOnlyPerk : boolean)

UserOnlyNametag: Create a nametag exclusively to player with the given UserId. - module.UserOnlyNametag(userId : number, Title : string, Badge : string, TitleColor : Color3, DisplayNameSupported : boolean)



Type1: Groups

Can’t be spammed. ^



Type2: NPC


Type3: Teams


Type4: Custom Text



Type5: User Exclusive


Example Code

EasyNick Types Usage

Create CreateNPCNametag Create2 Create3
DefaultColor : Color3 NPC [Model/Head] AFKCommandsEnabled : boolean DefaultColor : Color3
minimumstaffRank : number Title : string DisplayNameSupported : boolean Title : string
groupId : number Text Below Title : string Undefined Badge : string
AFKCommandsEnabled : boolean Badge : string Undefined DisplayNameSupported : boolean
DisplayNameSupported : boolean TitleColor : Color3 Undefined OwnerOnlyPerks : boolean

Bonus: UserOnlyNametag

Example Code

local EasyNick = require(path.to.module)

EasyNick.Create(Color3.new(255,255,255), 6, 123, true, true)
local EasyNick = require(path.to.module)

EasyNick.UserOnlyNametag(1518967977, "Iteq", "👾", Color3.new(0.290196, 0.145098, 0.435294), true)

Showcase/Testing Game
Get The Module


This looks really good!

Also, the test game is private. ;-;

1 Like

should be public now.

need more chars


Thanks for your contribution!
Just to let you know, I think you’ve forgotten to put the module model to for sale.


Weird, it’s on sale. You’re probably not logged in.

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Yeah I think he’s not logged in, or else it would say “This item his not for sale” regardless of his login status.

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Yeah my fault, didn’t realize I wasn’t logged in lmao



Thank you for this!!! this is great. It make to build my game easier :slight_smile:

but I wonder how can I use this module in my game… Should I put the module file in my ServerScriptService? and How can I run this in game?

local EasyNick = script.MainModule
EasyNick.Create(Color3.new(255,255,255), 6, 123, true, true)

I wrote to use this module like this in other server script, but it didn’t work


You can use the module by requiring it (with it’s ID, 8957100458) as well as have it in ServerStorage, ServerScriptService, or wherever you would like!

You can’t use modules as variables. You have to use require them to access the functions. You should use require(script.MainModule) instead of script.MainModule, which will work.

1 Like

Thank you!!

local EasyNick = require(game.ServerScriptService.MainModule)
EasyNick.Create(Color3.new(255,255,255), 6, 123, true, true)

I put a module in my server script service, and use this script. this perfectly run :slight_smile:
this is my first time to use roblox module. Thank you!

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Looks good. Can you add away for the team tag to if set show a rank of that team? Like for example we have a Civ team, I want it to show the State Group, Then I have a Police Team, I want it to show the Police Group.


I’m currently working on a V2 of this module which will release in a week or so. This module it’s pretty rushed which is why I’m revamping it, I’ll be sure to implement that in the updated module.

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Alright, can’t wait for it. This will be the best name tag system on roblox.


I made an obby and skyscraper and willing to use this module.

However does not show guis when a user is far away because most still show guis when you csnt see players and when there’s loads of players it gets messy.


Wow, great. This is amazing already. Please notify me when V2’s done.


Also other idea is a rank and above in a group lets say 5 can toggle there rank tag on and off


I already have that! A lot of things are coming; including new features, new functions, and more that I won’t say for now.


Wow! I can’t wait for this. This is really going to become the best name tag system out there.

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Hey, when do you think v2 will be out?


Is it possible to add leaderstats to the nametags while also updating them live?

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