Eclipse (Server-Side AntiExploit) *ARCHIVED | Announcement*

Agreed, thanks for your input :heart:

You cant exactly detect GUI’s, most are inserted into CoreGUI which is untouchable by the Server…
Thats why DarkDex cant easily be prevented.

Agreed, next update this will be removed and based ServerSide.

I have already stated in bold at the bottom I am forking this project and working on it.
I have a feeling someone’ does not get attention.

Tonight i will be releasing a update making Eclipse better.

I absolutely agree, whether you gave credit or not or even if you did just copy and paste the work (not saying you did keep the context) his response was absolutely unneeded.

Doesnt matter if you are a great developer or a terrible developer were all still in one place building on the same old platform ran by people with hard hearing (thats a joke cause they dont update us on certain features even though we ask) <— laugh at my joke… :neutral_face:

Regardless that is not the type of comment you should be making towards people even if its true.

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Fully agreed, I 100% will give more credit to FJ I’m currently working on fixing all of the problems I was faced with by the community.

The anti-exploit has serious vulnerabilities, I’ve disclosed a script below - with just executing it once (and every time you reset), you can make all of the test exploits you’ve added to your place work like a charm (besides the built-in noclip, though disabling every CanCollide property in your character made it work), good job though.

local Character = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character
local RootPart = Character:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart')

local __RootPart = RootPart:Clone()
RootPart.Parent = workspace
__RootPart.Parent = Character
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Im sorry, I’m not understanding Is this a bypass?

Yeah it’s a bypass, it renders the older references of HumanodRootPart useless so that test exploits can work.

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You said you wanted to make Eclipse a paid version, while using 99% of the code of another person? Lmao


Adding gui’s to the client can only be noticed by the client. Meaning that your use case would need to be a client-antiexploit, which can be exploited

forking inidicates that you need to make changes to the code, this is just straight up plagerism


Thank you so much for updating that module, i use it, it works but its very buggy, like everytime somebody spawns they get spammed this.

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I mean at least its UP to DATE unlike the original ofwhich the bind script doesnt even work due to it not recognizing character.

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Thanks bro every one seems to dump on it instead of giving it a chance.

100% Will be pushing a patch fixing this bypass.
Thanks for finding it.

I’m not sure I already stated this but the version we we’re planning to release as paid is not even close to FJ’s and it blows his away like a leaf in the ocean.

I’m not allowed to fully release it due to him telling me to keep it private due to some of the private methods used to detect CoreGUI Inserts and more.

Fact Checking
This is not even close to a bypass, and I ask of it to be removed due to you shaming the AC, as showen in the video this ‘bypass’ script is not replicated to the server or other clients therefor this is not a bypass and more of a client side freecam??? of some sort

  • Please remove this content as its false!
  • And check your work before posting it!

Video (Roblox wont let me upload it here) heres the streamable link
Streamable - Proof

Correct me if im wrong, thanks!

  • Bugle

im sorry
forgot to check if it was replicated
(I feel so stupid rn)

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