[EdLad Productions] Punishments

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:balance_scale: Punishments

:pushpin: In this document you will learn what action to take if someone violates the rules.

:bulb: When it comes to punishments, the player receives them according to the severity of the case. So far we have four levels of seriousness of cases.

:memo: Below we have listed the severity of each possible action and the penalty a player should be given if they have taken any of the following actions;

  • Minor :yellow_circle:
    The player should receive a verbal warning
  • Regular :orange_circle:
    The player should receive a warning and if the player receives 3+ warnings he should be kicked.
  • Major :red_circle:
    The player should be kicked without any prior warnings.
  • Severe :black_circle:
    The player should be banned without any prior warnings or kicks.

:star: Below you will find all offences from the smallest to the largest. If you cannot find an offence that corresponds to your case, it is most likely a verbal warning. You can always ask your supervisor for help.

:yellow_circle: Minor

  • Interrupting Roleplay
  • Unrealistic Avatar
  • Reckless Driving
  • Metagaming

:orange_circle: Regular

  • Cuff Rushing
  • Cop Baiting
  • Shooting Staff
  • Usage of Banned Vehicles
  • Usage of Banned Weapons
  • Random Deathmatch
  • Vehicle Deathmatch
  • Non-compliance with the NLR rule
  • Failure to roleplay Gun Motions

:red_circle: Major

  • Staff Evasion
  • Using uniforms or liveries for moderators without being one
  • Violation of PRC Guidelines
  • Violation of Roblox’s Guidelines
  • LTAP (Leave to avoid Punishment)

:black_circle: Severe

  • No improvement after multiple warnings
  • Frequent LTAP
  • Joining the server after being kicked out

:exclamation: Metagaming refers to the use of out-of-character information to make in-character decisions. It is often considered cheating because it allows a player to gain an advantage by using knowledge that their character would not realistically have access to. Examples of metagaming include using information from other players’ backgrounds, conversations or actions that happen outside of the game, or using knowledge from previous games to inform current decisions. It is considered bad manners and can disrupt the flow of the game and the immersion of the players.

:exclamation: LTAP (Leave to Avoid Punishment) means that a player leaves the game to avoid punishment for not following the rules of the game. This is usually considered unethical behaviour as he avoids responsibility for his actions.