"Egg of Destiny" hat in Catalog contains scripts that should be removed

This hat contains scripts (From a past egg hunt.) that still run when the user wears the hat.
The script errors at least so it doesn’t actually run the entire script, but I found it while checking my server logs for errors and this popped up.

If you wear the hat in-game by placing it on your character you can reproduce the error and see for yourself (Or insert the hat into your studio game:GetService'InsertService':LoadAsset(153059501).Parent=workspace .)

The hat also contains BodyPosition and BodyGyro instances, these should be removed as well.



Yeeah that should not be there. You should not have to worry about random scripts in hats…

This is fixed. Sorry for the delay. Let us know if you find more cases of this.


You removed the PointLight by mistake. Can you add it back?


FYI the PointLight is still removed and needs to be fixed


Here to check in 2 years later, the point light in Egg of Destiny still doesn’t appear to be fixed. Didn’t want to make a separate post as this is where the issue originally occurred. Was this intentional?


This is marked as solved – you should file a feature request if you think it should have a point light.

IMO, accessories shouldn’t have any scripts, audio or visual effects, because they’re meant to be cosmetic and not overly intrude on game design. So this is not a bug to me personally and probably the OP here also doesn’t care about it. It should go in a new thread.

UGC accessories? The Egg of Destiny was an official Roblox event item, and is not the only hat with particles or light. But i do get the thread thing and will make a seperate post later.

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I meant accessories in general. UGC accessories was a typo out of habit. Either way, same argument applies. :slightly_smiling_face:

Just because other hats exist that have those kind of effects does not mean that’s the best for developers or that they should be maintained that way going forward.

oh, Sporeman said that it still wasn’t fixed, I guess that they meant the spotlight was gone