EDIT: For those who might find this report elsewhere, it was not my intention to get the lighting removed, rather to point out a longstanding issue/discrepancy with the Egg to hopefully get it looked at and rectified, mainly offering the Pumpkin as a secondary example. Not to remove the lighting with nothing in its place, I didn’t expect that to be the chosen option. I am already well familiar with the history of the Pumpkin’s controversial release, and that the lighting+particles were added afterwards to appease the owners. That’s what makes the item special, and I agree. I’m not exactly pleased with this outcome either. However, please be respectful and do not harass me or staff when offering critique. I will refrain from marking a solution until staff provides an update on this decision, as was discussed. I apologize for any frustration caused by this report.
This hat was released back in 2014 as an April Fools Egg Hunt reward, featuring the distinct quality of having a magenta PointLight attached to the accessory, alongside it’s Sparkle particle effect. This was the first and one of the only hats to feature such a trait, which it would maintain for most of its life. In the following year, another hat joined it by attaching a PointLight onto the Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin. To this day, these are the only two accessories on Roblox to ever include lighting features.
However, back in 2019, it was discovered and reported that the Egg of Destiny had a script erroneously left in it that caused errors. The report would be resolved in 2020, removing the script from the item, but in the same change, also inexplicably removed the PointLight from the asset. This issue was pointed out by users in the same thread, but the report was eventually closed.
It may be possible that Roblox no longer wishes to maintain this kind of attachment on accessories. However, with no given explanation, I can only assume this was done by mistake, notably when there still exists another accessory with a PointLight. And since this is a major aesthetic change to a classic item that had the lighting for most of its life, it feels unjust to keep it removed. For consistency in enforcement, I can only see two routes:
Restore the PointLight attachment to the Egg of Destiny.
Remove the PointLight from the Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin, leaving no hats with the quality.
To clarify, the image used is a recreation relying on a user reupload of the item as the original version is no longer available to view, but the settings appear accurate to how it once was. Feel free to correct me if it’s wrong.
In my personal opinion, while these types of effects have the chance to be disruptive, this is typically held back by their rarity, and the fact that it’s what makes these items special in the first place. I would argue it’s on the same level as the sound-producing accessories, which also wouldn’t be appropriate to remove.
Also wanna mention while it is ambiguous whether the Destiny Egg’s PointLight is intentional, the Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin is clearly a deliberate choice judging by the version history. Both the PointLight AND the ghost particles were added in the same update, V3.
Thank you for reporting this. We had a number of discussions about this, and decided that we should remove the light from Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin.
We don’t want users of this Accessory to have an unfair advantage in games that rely on darkness.
The particles are still in there though.
I understand the “unfair advantage in-game” part but whats the point of removing some unique feature from an offsale when you allow ugc creators to make super small bundles that give them an unfair advantage in pvp/1v1 games such as Murder Mystery 2? Egg of Destiny and Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin having a point light inside their handles was a very unique feature and the “unfair advantage” excuse just doesn’t make sense to me.
Removing really unique effects from legacy items honestly really sucks and is hugely unfair to the owners of these items.
I know this is part of a bigger issue, but I think Roblox should have a game setting that automatically removes effects from the small pool of items like these that have interesting effects that could be disruptive in competitive games, but stand out and aren’t disruptive in social experiences. It would be just as ridiculous if the few items that play sounds in games had their sounds completely removed instead of just being able to be disabled easily by developers in their experience settings.
If it has any advantage in some game it’s the problem of that game’s creator, disabling it via script takes 2 seconds, but you just remove it entirely from the accessory taking away it’s uniqueness
Please reconsider this change. I think this goes against the philosophies stated in the past to keep old items the way they are, and fails to consider some context around this hats release.
For context, this item was the reward for a halloween gift that cost 31,000 robux. These gifts had a history of being the biggest rewards of the year for players who saved up a lot of robux and were always something special: Dominus Messor, Dominus Vespertilio, Doomsekkar, Dominus Aureus, etc. The Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin is no different - and the pointlight was a big part of what made this item worthy of the “big” gift reward.
Furthermore, I am not convinced that the light was truly giving anyone unfair advantages in games, and if it was, it should be possible to reduce the strength of the light without completely removing it. Or, if you are 100% intent on removing lights, then replace it with a Doomsekkar-like orange fire effect or something.
I don’t really understand this reasoning. Developers are more than capable of removing pointlights from player characters themselves if their game relies on darkness.
Asking developers to implement their own fixes per experience isn’t reasonable, developers shouldn’t be expected to know of every single item with a special effect that could be disruptive in their experiences. This is why an experience setting that can easily toggle these effects would be most ideal.
At the same time, removing effects from these items that are not disruptive in many types of experiences is really unfair to people that own these items, and there are many items on Roblox with special effects (like sounds) that are very valuable due to these special attributes.
Making a for loop inside the character descendants and deleting everything that is a point light takes less than 1 minute to be done. You don’t need to know every hat that has it but understand what kinds of effects could affect the gameplay.
Thank you for all the feedback. We didn’t think this would be a popular change. We didn’t like making this change as well, but we’re trying to be consistent. If the Egg has it’s light removed, then the Pumpkin should too. It’s hard to figure out why the light on the Egg was removed, since it was so long ago. The reason with dark games was the one that we found that was most compelling. At the end of the day, we don’t want anyone to have an advantage in certain games. Just like we don’t want Avatars with small hit boxes.
We’ll re-discuss on our end.
Lastly, let’s be cordial. We appreciate that most of you are.
This is hypocritical as you seem to enforce “this item will not be altered as it has been created >6 months ago!” as you feel like it.
This is unfair to the original owners. Due to being the only accesories to produce light, these items were relics. Removing them because they can be used to gain a partial advantage in a tiny genre of games compared to the millions of other games where it’s just a fun visual effect is a little self-centered.
It is up to the developer’s to implement this. Just do Humanoid:GetAccesories() and loop for lights. Why alter a super unique accesory for this?
There are alternative solutions to this problem if you don’t want developers to do this. Maybe a property of startercharacter named AccesoryLightsEnabled and AccesoryParticlesEnabled.
All due respect, there are very clear solutions without removing unique properties from an accesory and you chose the lazy route.
This is something I’ve thought about since as far back as when the Egg of Destiny was originally rewarded. There’s no denying there’s an advantage there even if small. While I think @qliz’s solution is the cleanest in the long-term, I still wanna pitch another idea if we have to remove the PointLights in the meantime.
Using the glow particle effect from the Golden Bulb, I was able to give the Egg and Pumpkin fake lights for this example here. They’re obviously not perfect - the glow doesn’t affect anything around it, and looks a little silly if you make it larger than what I’ve got here - but until we get an official toggle for special effect hats in our games, I feel like this could be a decent compromise.
The Egg of Destiny was awarded roughly a few weeks after April Fools’ Hunt 2014, and the Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin came out of the Classic Gift of Timeless Taste. In both cases, nobody reasonably knew that they were going to get hats with PointLights inside them.