Either roblox for iOS is broken or the studio Emulator is broken

So randomly a few weeks ago I got a report stating that the GUI for my game was broken on someone’s iPhone 5; the game in question had not been updated for about a month at this point so it was nothing new in the game that could have changed this. But apon investigating it appears that either the studio emulator isn’t very accurate at displaying how a mobile display works or iOS/Touch roblox has broke UIGridLayouts. For example here are two images, one from an iPhone and one from the Emulator.

The emulator displays this GUI perfectly fine, but when being tested on a real iPhone 5 a completely different thing is shown.


iPhone 5:

I’m not really sure which of these is actually wrong, but I’ve attempted to mess around with changing things in the interface, then saving and entering the game on mobile to test but it appears to side more towards the possibility that these are just completely broken on iOS.


UiGridLayout is having problems on mobile, I can confirm this.
cc @Tiffblocks


Duplicate of UIGridLayout is malfunctioning on iOS?

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I sent a repro file to darthskrill and it is being looked into now.
Interestingly enough, the person who reported this issue in my game was also using an iphone 5. It also happened on an Ipad.

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Looks like the latest release for mobile devices fixes this issue. We just released this within the last day or so, so its not on everyone’s phone yet but will be soon.

Let me know if this issue persists!