[EKHO] Handbook for Proper Procedure Dealing with Promotions, Trainings, and Raids

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This document will go over proper procedure to follow when you either receive a promotion, attend a training, and/or participate in a raid. The following document is approved by the Grand Commandant and will be used as a handbook for ALL MEMBERS OF EKHO.
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Promotions will work in a typically-simple fashion. From Initiate-Senior Sergeant, You are expected to do your job by attending trainings and raids and, when you reach Senior Sergeant, applying for the Indoctrination Committee. You are to follow the rules AT ALL TIMES, and you are expected to follow them well. Do NOT disrespect your comrade, no matter their rank.
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To be promoted, you must show your superior officer that you’ve been following his/her instructions well and showing them that you have basic common sense in what to do as your next rank. At the end of each training, you will have a chance for promotion. If you were being a general troll and not following orders correctly, your chance of promotion is almost zero; however, if you followed the orders and did them correctly, you will have a higher chance.
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Your promotion is based on your skill. You must show the officer that you can go above and beyond his/her expectations for you, and easily beat your comrades in the combat round (which is located in every training) as well as any other procedure(s). Remember, the officer can only promote 2-3 per training!

Trainings/Raids WIP

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