Embedding Events on your Groups page

This is a great feature but having the tabs take up 2 lines is really odd, it looks a LOT better if it took up only one line.

(in the example, my events and affiliates tabs are empty and unused so perhaps one of them could be hidden)


Hey! :wave:

I love the work that has gone into the ‘Groups’ page over the last few months. I’ve also seen that promoting catalog items through group shouts is only limited up to 1 item.

Will there be a possibility of perhaps linking several items (to some maximum, so it’s not overclogged) without the necessity of having the link be visible in the shout? Rather as in an option?

Thank you!


Hi sh4rp - unfortunately, we are not able to reproduce this issue. Do you have a browser extension that is modifying the page HTML? There should only be 4 tabs there.

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When join group prompt? Why that feature doesn’t exist yet?


Cool, can finally put scam links in my group (i didnt read)

Great that groups are being worked on! Hope we continue to get useful features!

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You’re right! It was an extension :man_facepalming: For anyone wondering, BTRoblox is at fault :sob: Looks so much better and cleaner now, thanks!

ehh it’s not that bad. nerf robux pls

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To add onto the plethora of suggestions, I have a bit of a megapost of suggestions for this feature and other group features. This is coming from someone who leads a roleplay group on ROBLOX.


With groups, they usually have a game, a group and a server. Bridging the gap between all three would be extraordinary.

  • The ability for certain permissions that allow you to rank a player on a group from inside a game with needing an external application. A lot of groups need something like this.
  • The ability for the group wall to communicate with chat in-game. This would be revolutionary for groups that cannot use Guilded or other platforms to communicate with one another.
  • Now, I know this one feels a bit too far fetched to ask, but it would be monumental if a possible cross-platform conversation system with Guilded and other platforms could be established, with ROBLOX filtering messages before the player sees them. I know people can code this themselves, but they usually get banned for such a stunt.


I feel events could use some more to them. Here’s what I think.

  • Add the ability for only select players to join
  • All of the other suggestions above that are incredible
  • The ability to link events happening in other groups


There are things that I have been wanting to see on ROBLOX groups for a long time. The main thing being the ability to customize the affiliates tab. An ability to add a divisions, branches or subsidiaries tab would go a long way for all groups. Along with this, more ways to format a description would be nice. Everyone is currently relying on special characters, and I think that Rich Text would be a great addition to the group description.

I know this may be a lot, but I do hope at least one of these features sees the light of day in the future.

Great addition that brings more features together at one place.

But could you also integrate the announcements within the website? It just seems spread out to have to make announcements with images via Guilded, but other features like events or posts can be made directly on the website.

Anyways, great change!