Embedding Events on your Groups page

Hi Creators,

We’re working on driving event discovery across the platform. In addition to improving how events are curated and, later this year, improvements to how they will appear on Home and Experience Details Pages, we’re excited to introduce another way for your users to discover events. Now you can post an event directly on to your Groups page! This update makes it more convenient to feature and provide a link directing your users to the event.

Once an event is created through Creator Hub, it will appear on the new Events tab of the Group that owns the event. From the Events tab, you can feature an event, using the 3-dot menu, to also appear on the “About” tab within your Groups page. This ensures that your users are notified of upcoming events, boosting awareness and participation within your community.

Featured Event on About tab

We hope you enjoy this new feature as we continue to support your efforts in building and engaging with your communities through events on Roblox. Please share any questions or suggestions for additional features you’d like to see for events and Roblox Groups!


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I must say, great job on this feature and the many other recent group additions! They have all greatly improved the quality of communities! I will be sure to use this many times in the future.


Group polls maybe

Also, I think that the event game should have its icon and name displayed on the event banner or somewhere there (but that’s just my opinion)


The biggest issues right now for groups are a lack of proper moderation of group walls (which has led to most large groups disabling them), a lack of moderation tools for group owners (you can’t ban members, only kick), and a lack of comprehensive OpenCloud APIs to automate groups effectively.


Group polls would be such a great feature because having away to poll my group members without having to use external places would be great!


Great update for event-type groups, such as roleplays that only occur at specific timings, etc.


This is quite interesting, the truth is that it will keep the people in the groups up to date with the events of their favorite games

Although I think I was already pretty good with notifications but this makes it even better :muscle:


this is a nice feature thank you


As others said Group polls would be nice but as well some sort of feedback section where they can post their views why they dislike or like the event (their should be a like and dislike button too) this would provide critique and help improve for next time.


Few issues I found when testing this just a bit ago

I cannot seem to find the button to feature an event:


Is it not fully rolled out yet or is it somewhere else I might not be looking :eyes:


Events are only shown at hour intervals

Event padding seems pretty wide when there are two events, when there are 3 events the padding gets fixed.

Open cloud api for group shouts, setting ranks, and also API to create events. This would help out a lot and remove the need for myself and others to use Bot accounts to access those features!

Additionally would it be possible to include some metadata such that the event could be embeded on other platforms such as discord and guilded?
Currently it looks like this:


I suggest allowing us to do signup forms directly on groups. I host monthly events where people need to sign up with their information (such as time slot and what team they’re representing) and having this feature directly on Roblox would make a huge impact!


Great update! I’ve always thought how the event tab on a game can be easily overlooked, so this can help notify more Players about an ongoing or upcoming events easily


This may or may not seem like it will help a bit to attract people who are in your group to your game, as not everyone has discord or is aware of it, I like this!


Make Roblox automation for features link ranking. Like an API that if a user completed like an obby or had a badge, they’d be promoted to such and such rank.


Love to see that groups are getting more attention!


Hello, kingerman88 - currently, only the group owner can feature an event.


i would support the idea of this being a role permission, since if the group owner is a holder account, it just seems counter-productive to have to log into that account just to feature an event when you could stay in a main account that has a role permission and feature it from there


this is an amazing way to use events, i’m not sure where the idea came from since i don’t think many games or platforms do this, definitely an extremely creative idea to implement, just needs some feedback and adjustment and it will be perfect!


This all the way. We have a bot that scans our wall and deletes on average, 100 scam posts every single day. We don’t want to silence the community members that don’t want to or can’t access Discord / Guilded to share their feedback by disabling the wall altogether. We have over a million members in the group and it would be hard for our team to delete these manually every day.