[Emergency] Super low FPS due to mesh deformation

Within the past hour or so, our game started experiencing immense lag with framerates dropping down to 15 FPS. We were trying to figure out whether it was being caused by one of our in-game systems, but we narrowed it down to our Ocean wave system in our game. The issue happens when updating the Bone’s Transformation property. This has never been an issue before and it wasn’t caused by updates to our code. It seems like it’s being caused by an update on Roblox’s end.

We’ve confirmed with other games who heavily utilize mesh deformation systems, and they are also experiencing insane frame drops at the moment. It seems like this issue is happening on PC. Not sure whether it’s an issue on Mobile or Console. We’ve tested it on our mobile devices and it doesn’t seem to be as big of an issue on Mobile.

Please look into this and fix this ASAP, because it’s heavily hurting our game’s CCUs. We were trying to release an update, but this low framerate is killing the game

Link to our experience: 🐙(KRAKEN) Fishing Simulator - Roblox


World Zero is unplayable due to this bug


Thank you for alerting the team. Our engineering team is actively investigating the report.


Bad Business does not use mesh deformation but has been getting ravaged by this issue for the last couple hours, according to our community and our performance graphs.

Our crash rates have more than tripled:

And our average computer FPS compared to a day ago at this same time is cut in half:


We’re also getting this issue: Deepwoken - Roblox

We got this issue to some extent a few weeks back with a small subsection of players, though not quite as bad.

Bone.Transform lags even high-end PC’s to unplayable degrees - Bone.WorldCFrame and Bone.CFrame seem to be fine.

EDIT: Can confirm that if you need a solution to this ASAP that swapping from Transform to CFrame/WorldCFrame greatly alleviates the issue.


I thought I had done some really poor optimization but it appears this bug is also affecting my games too.
Furthermore I’ve noticed that in studio I can reach FPS as high as 200, while in-game it averages 30-50. The micro-profiler doesn’t show much either.


We are also running into this, a fix would really help out
our players have dropped signifigantly


Seems like the “stepAnimations” issue is no longer happening, but we are seeing extremely big UILayout and TweenService tags that we did not see yesterday. No updates to our code.


Roblox just resolved the issue, we are no longer seeing the UILayout or TweenService performance issues


Confirming our engineering team has resolved the issue.

Please let us know if you continue to see any issues.


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