I think it may be a pretty easy solution, but I want to be able to get the animationID’s of Roblox’s emotes; mainly side to side and godlike.
This is so I can upload the animationID into the animation editor and be able to make my NPCs do Roblox emotes.
I’ve searched throughout the forums for around 2 weeks now, and still haven’t found a solution to this. I saw Kensizo’s response to this (IDs for new ROBLOX animations to load them into NPCs? - #13 by Kensizo), yet did not understand. I’m a lost cause when it comes to scripting lol.
Any help is appreciated, thanks. 
I need help with this too! I am looking in the console right now, I might be able to find it.
Hey! I found a solution. I first used Kensizo’s idea to have the id in the output. Then, I used admin to :char me someone who had the emote. I did the emote, and the id showed up in the output!
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What was the script you used to get the ID to print in the output?
CustomAnimationPrinter.rbxm (9.2 KB)
Put it in startercharecterscripts, then use admin to :char yourself somebody who has the emote your looking for. The ID will be in the output. It worked like magic for me!
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