Empty Moderation Note & False Voice Chat Bans

My friend recently experienced a termination on his Roblox account. He was speaking in voice chat, and a few hours later, his account got deleted. What’s really odd is that the moderation note on the ‘Account Deleted’ page was left blank, leaving no clear explanation, and there was no new violation to appeal on the new Violations & Appeals System that Roblox rolled out earlier this year

It may be a bug that Roblox doesn’t address certain bans properly in the moderation note on the Account Deleted page, but after contacting the appeals team, we found out that the ban was a ‘Child Endangerment’ ban. This was quite shocking because my friend was simply using voice chat to conversate with a couple of developer friends and didn’t say anything inappropriate or against the rules.

What’s even more frustrating is how fragile the voice chat system has been since the day it was initially released. People literally get banned for false reasons, whether it’s due to them being tricked into saying something, being forced to discuss sensitive topics by other users, or even being mass-reported by others out of spite or jealousy. In my friend’s case, we suspect it might be the latter. He’s been on Roblox for years and owns one of the most valuable items on the platform, which could make him a target for jealous users. Goes to show that all your hard efforts on your Roblox account can disappear so simply over something you cannot control

Roblox really needs to address the flaws in its moderation system, especially with voice chat. If the appeals team isn’t willing to provide context or review these cases thoroughly, it leaves many creators and players lost in the dark, losing years of effort and progress over what seems like false positives.

With all that being said, make sure you DO NOT USE the voice chat system on Roblox.

If anyone else has faced this, feel free to share by replying to this thread. Maybe the Developer Relations team will see this and hopefully address this.

Account Deletion

Roblox Support Ticket Response

Other Threads

Very weird account deletion
Banned for seemingly no reason - #10 by 13_5G
& a lot more if you search up “roblox no note ban” on Google


A blank termination most of the time means “Child Exploitation”

Roblox doesn’t want to tell those specific people why they got terminated most of the time

The thing is roblox uses AI for VC Moderation and it doesn’t seem their appeal process properly works at all regarding voice chat. I am guessing the AI thinks you said something similair to a bad word or sentence and then just decides to ban the said person without any kind of verification

Also at the same time roblox turned on my vc ingame despite having it disabled in settings

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“being forced to discuss sensitive topics by other users“

How does somebody get forced to discuss something against their will?

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Thanks for sharing, AI for VC moderation 100% seems to be flawed in a way, since it can misinterpret conversations or be manipulated through false reporting. If Roblox is relying on AI without proper human oversight, it very much explain as to why so many false positive bans are happening, especially in voice chat cases like my friend’s.

And the fact that your VC was turned on in-game despite being disabled in settings is also pretty concerning, could potentially lead to more unfair bans.

Good question, by “forced” I meant situations where other users manipulate or pressure someone into discussing sensitive topics, often thru tactics like baiting, provoking, or intentionally steering the conversation in a certain direction. Not everyone has the same level of awareness or emotional stability to recognize and shut down these tactics, especially in a voice chat environment.

e.g in voice chat, someone might repeatedly ask leading questions, or even bring up controversial subjects, making it hard for the other person to avoid responding without seeming rude. Unfortunately, if moderation systems are only capturing certain parts of these conversations without context, it can easily misinterpret the intent or words of the person being targeted.


definitely agree with @luaClass

Update: it seems like there’s an on-going issue where threat actors are able to make games that manipulate chat or voice chat events to make players say bad things in games. Roblox used to suffer through this issue and fixed it around 2 years ago, but somehow these threat actors found a way to bypass it very recently.

There’s a video from a popular YouTuber RoBuilder which was uploaded 2 days ago. RoBuilder got unbanned the same day due to having strong connections as he’s a Star Creator, but imagine if people get deleted for this reason with no connections… completely left in the dark.