Enable RichText for "ChatMakeSystemMessage"

It’s very simple I wanted to do it also so I found the scripts in Chat folder and edited it under a few seconds.

Edit the chat scripts “Util” and “SetCoreMessage

The green highlighted code is what you need to add to make RichText work.

These 2 scripts is what you need to edit:

SetCoreMessage Script:

Util Script:

This is an example of it working:



I’m not sure I understand? Is it working for you, or is this a tutorial?

just trying to help others on how to do that but yh it’s kinda tutorial tbh

might fit better in the resources section

Alright. I recommend you post stuff like this in: #resources:community-tutorials. Only post in this category if you need help with some code.

Then change it to #resources:community-tutorials

alright i’m not too good when choosing a topic

I will update this topic soon for how to fix this massive gap when using RichText on chat

Why is there a gap?
It’s because roblox gets the text size of the full text instead of the RichText and sets the chat label size to it.

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Fixed the issue:

Please make a video
Make model instead of showing scripts

Some people may not know how to do that

  • AdityaDev
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I think that people who can script RichText can also do this. Making a model and video isn’t a good idea because this is for people who probably don’t need tutorials or models.