Enough is enough!

(post deleted by author)

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Maybe because your running script.Parent:Destroy()? That would stop the script?


Yeah but then the part would have to be destroyed first

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But actually it is not Being destroyed at all

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Wdym part? i need some general understanding of the situation real quick since im too lazy to backread

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I have just no comment for this…


I want a part to be destroyed if a prompt becomes visible. My problem is that Nothing happens no matter what I do.

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Your destroying the script while doing it?

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but you never reference that part or is the part the scripts parent

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Even if I don’t nothing happens, it will not. Print or do anything

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Can you show me the hierarchy of the model?

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put a print before destroy then check


Please close this topic and read the official documentation.

Also, look your issues up before posting.

If you don’t figure your problem out then post on the dev forum


No matter where you put the script or the part or the prompt. You cannot make it fire a function if the prompt becomes visible. You simply can and I don’t believe that you can. Unless someone shows me that you can by using video footage.

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Show hierarchy of the model and its parent please


one second let me see if you are saying this for real

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What is going on here? Stop calling. Me at all, I’m not trying to troll anyone and I keep being trolled. By anyone

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im checking this right now

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Okay let me show you some screenshot



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