i’m not sure if anyone of us here is qualified to help somebody with 10 years of scripting expirience and 6+ years on modelling
i just told you to show me the hierarchy of the model
and i just did what you told me to
I didn’t read this whole conversation since it’s pointless. From your script I can see you are deleting script.Parent
which should terminate the thread and stop it from progressing.
can you PLEASE stop swearing since i think you are really nice and i dont want you to get banned beacuse someone flags your posts…
oml i just got it to work please stop this post now
i have to go in 3 mins but heres a screen shot
look at the outpot i have to go now bye
I think that dev forum doesnt ban people for saying that stuff. Also, move the local script into somewhere where it actually runs like starter player
Are you sure the problem isn’t the fact you delete the Script’s parent and consequently delete the Script itself?
fake FAKE FAKEEEE!!! show me proof you impostor sussy baka!
he’s saying the parent doesn’t destroy because yes it should destroy, but that’s because he has the local script parented to a part in workspace
show me script. you could print anything
how do i put it inside of something like this if i have like 1000 seperate prompts in my game?
Someone get staff to close this thread. If someone doesn’t bother to read documentation and then behaves like this don’t feed them attention.
disclaimer: dirty code, wrote fast
for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("ProximityPrompt") then
but then it is only clientsided and this would make everything really messy
anyway works only on client, that’s your best bet.
can i somehow make it so the script doesnt have to be in the startergui and somewhere in the prompt itself??
These places only.
And placing individual script in every prompt goes against optimisation too.