Enough is enough!

WAIT A MINUTE, how do i check if a prompt gets shown if i have many of them . also the example you sent before wont work since its being added tough the game… (new prompts)

When you write a topic there is a disclaimer that states:

Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

Please, continue further on your own.

LocalScripts don’t run in workspace duh

you dont understand my problem… i dont know how to pperformantly have a highlight appear on an object that respawns. if a prmpts shows up.

I know im back and I dont know why im back but ill only be back for a couple of minutes anyway please I dont understand anything in the sentence you said. I’m not trying to be mean its just look back on your reply does it make sense?

NOT ACTUALLY… bro… im just trying to get the same highlight system like the game DOORS of you hover over any item

this does not studio fault i don’t understand what class ProximityPrompt.Value.PropmtShown is I don’t think value is a inside prompt

I don’t know if you will read it but this guy has driven me insane from one problem to another. Like before he wanted a part to get deleted when the proximity prompt appeared which I proved to not be studios fault. Now he’s ranting about doors and a highlight system this has gone way off topic and I hope a staff member sees this post and takes it down.

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Also I’m late I know but here’s the script

local part = game.Workspace.Part2
local proximityprompt  = part.ProximityPrompt

	print("u wasted my time")

	print("damn u right")

this is in a local script in startercharacterscripts if you still want to see if this works put this in a local script In Starter Character Scripts also change the locals to match yours so the local part should be a path to your part so game.workspace whatever ur part name is
and the local for proximityprompt change it to your proximityprompts name aswell if this does not work then You Have Done These Steps Wrong


yrah and my problem is that i want every furniture i add trough the game has a highlight if the promopt inside of it becomes visible

As in do you want it to change color? or a white outline?

If it is a white outline I’m not that good at this stuff so I don’t know how to do that as for the color I do know how to do that.

simply a outline… or any change to the objject that shows that it is selected by the loval player. if theres a more intelligent way to do that please tell me

You can use selection box for this. Just make a selection box as a child of the part go to the properties and set the “adornee” property to the part that is its parent. after this customize it using the properties and once your done customizing it you can set its adornee to nothing effectively making it invisible. Now for the script all you really have to do is take my script before and instead of printing something you can just set its adornee to the part in the script so like part.selectionbox.adornee = “part” something like that and when its hidden you can do part.selectionbox.adornee = “” If you dont get it tell me I will write a script for you.

actually my explanation was bad and since I know that your bad at english (Im not trying to insult but im sorry) I will just give you the script
inside of a local script in starter character scripts

local part = game.Workspace.selectionpart -- replace with your part
local proximityprompt  = part.ProximityPrompt -- replace with your proximitypromptname
local selectionbox = part.SelectionBox -- replace with your selectionbox name

	selectionbox.Adornee = part

	selectionbox.Adornee = nil

this should work if it does not send your script and tell me the name of your selection box part and proximity prompt

here is a screenshot or 2 of it working
note that i have not customized it and it can be customized as you like if you have nothing else then please do not continue this thread any longer it is to long

i still cant do it without the localscript being in the playergui

and idk how to connect eevery new prompt to the script

What do you mean? I don’t really Understand

So are you saying that you have multiple items and you want them to both have the highlight effect?

You are very unprofessional.

You should really refer to the official Roblox documentation before wasting peoples time, you are clearly a new scripter with little knowledge, the Roblox API is a great resource for new developers to get started, even veteran scripters use the API to refer back to things.

There is plenty of documentation on Proximity Prompts and how to use them, as well at YouTube Tutorials. Please stop wasting peoples time, you make yourself look bad when you act the way your acting.

Reference: Roblox Developer API