Enroute | Reviewing Staff Applications

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Reviewing Staff Applications

:bulb: Staff Applications are the first step in becoming a staff member here, in Enroute. Staff Applications are extremely crucial as to understand more of our members such as their personality who might be accepted to become a staff member.

Staff Applications will be managed by our fellow Administration Team. The purpose of this guide is to assist them throughout the entire process of recruiting staff members. We urge our fellow Administration Team to read this entire guide to ensure that you will not make any mistakes while reviewing any applications.

:spiral_notepad: Our staff application requirements lays out our criteria for the acceptance from within our community. All requirements must be met in order to be accepted as a staff member. Details of our requirements will be provided below.

:balance_scale: Requirements

  • Must be at least 13 years old
  • Must be an active and devoted member of the community
  • Roblox Account must be at least 1 month old
  • Must be in our Roblox Group, Enroute
  • Must be in our Discord Server for at least a week
  • Must have at least 7 out of 8 questions correct in Section IV: Roleplays
  • There must not be any significant punishments within Enroute
  • Must have basic knowledge of ER:LC and it’s map
  • Must have the Detective Gamepass
  • Must have basic grammar knowledge
  • Must not be Staff Blacklisted
  • Must have a Gmail account

:closed_book: Not sure how to check players for being staff blacklisted? Our Trello board which includes many information such as SWAT Access, Inactivity Notices and players who are Staff Blacklisted. This board may be found both in our General Staff Guide and our Discord server under the channel “Staff Standards”

You may also visit our Trello board below.
:link: General Staff Board - Trello

:bulb: These responses isn’t necessary nor a requirement in order to be accepted. These answers will however stand out from the questionnaire and improve the odds of them being accepted as a Trial Moderator.

:star: Bonuses

  • Have some sort of experience with any sort of moderation
  • Ace the “Application Questions” section
  • Ace the “Describe yourself” question
  • Structured answers, no grammar errors
  • Social Butterfly/Communication Skills

:bulb: We currently use Google Sheets to let our Administration Team to view our responses of every applicant. Only, members from the Chief Staff Officer may manage the questions in Google Forms. We do, require you to have basic knowledge of how to use google sheets.

Google Sheets are basically a list of responses given by applicants, this will be live and automatically updated whenever there is a new response in our application. This be read by our Administration Team, you are to comment in order to indicate that you think that this player may have potential in becoming a staff member.

:scroll: Introduction

Our Google Sheets will be provided in a channel under “Staff Resources” named “Staff Operations”, do visit that channel if you haven’t already. You currently may only comment in Google Sheets to notify other members from the Administration, details of it will be provided below.

:bulb: You must be signed into your Gmail account you provided in your application form as a security to know who the commenter is, if you have decided to change your Gmail address, please contact a member from the Chief Staff Officer.

:bar_chart: Reviewing

If a member from the Administration Team feels like this player has met all requirements and has a chance to be accepted as a moderator, please simply right click of the player’s username in order to comment that you think this player has potential in becoming to be a moderator. A video will be provided as an example below of this section.

After reviewing all of the applications, The Administration Team will decide which applicant is qualified and will narrow down the selection to fewer applicants based on how much moderators we are accepting. This is crucial as we select only the top few in order to be accepted.

:speech_balloon: Discussion

Figuring out which applicant should be accepted must be discussed as a thread in the channel “admin discussion”. When the staff application is ready to be read by the Administration Team, they may start a thread in “admin discussion” in order to discuss which applicant stands out the most. The Administration Team may also decide the limit of how many players should only be accepted as a moderator.

:bulb: Communications is key when it comes to recruiting moderators, please give your best opinion for each applicant. We encourage you to be as talkative as possible in order to narrow down applicants.

:clipboard: Ranking

After narrowing down and discussing with your fellow members from the Administration Team, you are now free to rank these members to their designated rank, which is Trail Moderator. You are to promote them by ranking them in the group and updating them in the Discord server by using “?update [User ID]”.

Please do make sure to take note of their Roblox Username, Discord Username and Gmail account who will be accepted. After taking note of these, please send them over to a member from Chief Staff Officer to be noted down.

After successfully ranking them, a member from the Administration Team which can be discussed who may notify them that they have been accepted. I am sure most members from the Administration Team still remembers how they were accepted and notified via DMs. Please use the same method to notify each player that was accepted.

:closed_book: You are free to personalize it, just make sure that the information is accurate and it transfers that they have been accepted as a moderator, this also includes our General Staff Guide or the link to our “Staff Standards” channel to request them to be read before being trained.

:white_check_mark: Conclusion

This is the end of the progress in recruiting staff members, After our members from the Chief Staff Officers have received each and every accepted moderator’s Roblox Username, Discord Username and Gmail, they are to delete and clean everything in the Google Sheets in order to be used for the next announcement of the staff applications.

Roblox Usernames, Discord Usernames, Gmail received by any member from the Administration Team must be logged into the designated Trello board provided for security purposes.

:tada: You have made it to the end! This Guide may be very confusing for a couple of people who does not know how to use Google Workplaces, there are YouTube tutorials on explaining what is Google Sheets, you may take a look.

I hope this gives new members from the Administration Team on how to recruit players into our moderation team, if you do have any concerns or questions, please contact any member from the Administration Team who has worked on recruiting moderators before.

Fri 6, 2021
Modified by peurceds

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