Equipping tool overrides R6 torso animation

I made an R6 walking animation and placed it into my game. It has a Core priority. But when I equip a tool, it locks the torso in place and looks very goofy. How do I fix this?
The tool has no scripts in it.


I think , I can help you … Just turn off HandleRequired in tool properties and rename Handle into something other . Good luck :smile:

The thing is I would like to keep Roblox’s default tool grip system, so I can’t do this.

In my opinion it isn’t a problem , because it isn’t removable thing . You can’t change that .

change the animations priority from core to walk?

Actually I found the solution

In this thread the poster mentions that the default tool holding animation actually overrides the torso. So I made a new holding animation identical to the original with the only difference being that the torso isn’t animated.