Error code 279. ID = 17

Some games, get this errors, and some don’t. I tried clearing my router. Reinstalling roblox. Everything, yet the problem seems to not have been resolved.

My OS is Windows 7 Professional (64 bits)


It’s not you that’s the problem or your computer. It’s the games fault because it can’t connect to the games server. So, it won’t let you on the game for some reason, so it’s an error within Game Servers. Meaning you can’t connect or get in the game because it can’t connect to the servers that are needed to be connected to.


Well, what do you suggest me to do? This problem is very annoying!


Well, what I can suggest is possibly looking it up on youtube. Because, I have no clue about this error except it’s a connection error. Because it’s not connecting to the roblox game servers.


For anyone encountring this issue. I’d advice you to check out this Legend’s Video!

It fixed my issue!


If anyone else has this issue, the explanation is simple. The client could not join the server because the server’s IP is offline, or the server is no longer hosting the game instance. Basically, you’re trying to join a server that no longer exists. Refresh the Roblox page, and then click the green Play button. If the problem persists, please use the Microsoft store app to troubleshoot the outage issues or check


Got the issue back, this video didn’t fix my issue.


I am also having this issue, i have a great internet connection and a Monstrous specced pc. still getting this. and I’m only getting this error in my own experience, as I was trying to make it open world
Screenshot 2023-09-12 003412
Screenshot 2023-09-12 003439


Might be due to the server crashing somehow. Can you join on a different device?

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Hello @WizardBrand

Be sure to do this and let me know what happened!

Please ensure that all Roblox files in the AppData directory are removed. To do this:

Uninstall Roblox from your computer
Open the Command Prompt. You can open it by pressing Win+R > Type ““CMD”” > Press Enter.

Type in the following commands:

cd AppData\Local (then press enter)
rmdir /s Roblox (then press enter)
Enter ““y”” when asked to answer (then press enter)
Restart your computer
Reinstall Roblox



the first one “appdata/local” only results in an error. my settings are probably way different. is there a way to find it manually within explorer?


It’s AppData\Local not with /

Please try again, this must work!

yeah, it has nothing to do with my computer or my specs, it’s a Roblox issue on their own end. It works perfectly fine for me in studio, but in Roblox itself that’s when the error happens, followed by a connection error. it’s definitely on Roblox’s end, which I can’t find out how to fix.
I’ve tried contacting their technical but they were little help.

Here’s the experience example Roblox's Most Unoptimized Game - Roblox