Error while processing packet

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    Fix this horrible bug.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

randomly playing throughout my game, it would crash giving me the error:

13:26:51.745 Error while processing packet. - Studio
13:26:51.746 Error while processing packet: bad_weak_ptr (packet id: 131, packet length: 710, progress: 710, schema: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) - Studio
13:26:51.780 Disconnect from ::ffff:|52604 - Studio

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the
    Developer Hub?

I have tried but most of the time the error code was different or some were left broken. I tried looking through my remote events seeing if it crashed because of one but none were found

I have a video on the issue happening to me while checking my JumpHeight:

Me checking a script and randomly crashing

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this is probably an issue related to studio not ur game

Is there a fix? It kills me everytime im boutta do something and it would crash

try posting it in bug reports idk if theres a fix

oh i thought this Was bug reports my bad

Just started having this exact same issue happen to me too. Any ideas on fixes?

Nope. happens randomly. i have thought about reinstalling studio but i mean i can just deal with it. its fine but gets annoying thats all

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Yeah its very sporadic and annoying.