Error while processing packet soft-crashing Studio

For some users while entering and playing in Team Create they’ll quickly disconnect and be kicked from Team Create and this happens constantly for them. This is extremely important as it causes those specific users to be unable to use Team Create to play test at all to work on their experiences and it’s happening to multiple different users. After the issue occurs Studio just sits there and you’re unable to interact with your play test anymore.

Logs attached in Private Message.

Visual Aids:


2024-09-11T16:19:44.547Z,1744.547241,9720,6 [FLog::Error] Error: Error while processing packet.
2024-09-11T16:19:44.548Z,1744.548218,9720,6 [FLog::Output] Error while processing packet: bad_weak_ptr (packet id: 131, packet length: 1035, progress: 1035, schema: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)
2024-09-11T16:19:44.548Z,1744.548218,9720,7 [FLog::Network] Bad packet contents: 831501D7E013000A616C6C49736C616E6473980402130200005B22436F6C6F737365756D206F6620417263222C22446573657274204B696E67646F6D222C22446F6B6B616E2049736C616E64222C22466F726F2049736C616E64222C22496D70656C2042617365222C2252657665727365204D6F756E7461696E222C22526F7365204B696E67646F6D222C22526F766F2049736C616E64222C2253617368692049736C616E64222C225370697269742049736C616E64222C22546872696C6C6572204261726B222C22416E6E69766572736172792049736C616E64222C22436F636F2049736C616E64222C22436F6C6F737365756D222C22466973686D616E20
2024-09-11T16:19:44.555Z,1744.555298,9720,6 [FLog::Output] Session Transition FSM: Error Occurred.
2024-09-11T16:19:44.560Z,1744.560303,9720,7 [FLog::Network] Lost connection with reason : Error while receiving data, please reconnect


2024-09-11T16:32:50.991Z,59.991169,9cc8,6 [FLog::Error] Error: Error while processing packet.
2024-09-11T16:32:50.991Z,59.991169,9cc8,6 [FLog::Output] Error while processing packet: bad_weak_ptr (packet id: 131, packet length: 1035, progress: 1035, schema: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)
2024-09-11T16:32:50.991Z,59.991169,9cc8,7 [FLog::Network] Bad packet contents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
2024-09-11T16:32:50.999Z,59.999165,9cc8,6 [FLog::Output] Session Transition FSM: Error Occurred.
2024-09-11T16:32:51.030Z,60.030151,9cc8,7 [FLog::Network] Lost connection with reason : Error while receiving data, please reconnect

Other Reported Threads: (weren’t bug reports)

Device Specs:

Expected behavior

Team Create shouldn’t crash due to a bad_weak_ptr error.

A private message is associated with this bug report


I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues with Team Create, but thank you for bringing this to our attention! I have a few questions to help us narrow this down a bit:

  • Does this happen with specific places, or does it happen regardless of the place (even on baseplate, etc)?
  • Are you able to try without any plugins? Have you made any other changes to your Studio (flipped flags, opted into an Betas), etc?
  • Have you tried on the latest version of Studio?
  1. So far it’s only been happening to two specific places in team create for 2 of our team’s developers, not sure for the other reported instances. Specific places: [⭐PIKA V2] Grand Piece Online - Roblox and gpo lvl test - Roblox

  2. Tried with and without beta features enabled, no flags have been set for any of us on our side and we’ve tried disabling all plugins and retrying but still happens.

  3. Have tried on the latest version of Studio, it’s been happening for our other 2 developers for quite some time including previous versions of Studio.

Thank you for the extra info! Just to clarify – is this happening when they do Team Test, or does it happen when they first open the place in Team Create? To help narrow this down further, I have a few more questions:

So far it’s only been happening to two specific places

Would you be able to share one of those place files either to the bug-files group (where you sent the log files) or to me directly? Removing this request for now since I don’t think it’s necessary yet, we still have other avenues to explore. Instead, could give us a way to contact the developers who are running into this issue directly? Do they have DevForum accounts?

Tried with and without beta features enabled, no flags have been set for any of us on our side and we’ve tried disabling all plugins and retrying but still happens.

Have you tried reinstalling Studio?

Have tried on the latest version of Studio, it’s been happening for our other 2 developers for quite some time including previous versions of Studio.

Do you have a more precise date range when they started seeing the issue? Also have they tried with the same account on a different computer?

We’ve tried reinstalling Studio, still happens. There’s no exact or precise date but they said it has been happening for around 30 days. Trying with the same account on a different computer has the issue still.

The issue happens when you either team test or solo-play test.

Their accounts are @DeadzoneRemadeLevel and @SayonaraShigetora however keep in mind they don’t have Regular dev forum status yet.

Got it, thanks! We’re looking into it.

We’ve reverted a change that we suspect was making this issue happen more frequently, although we don’t believe it was the root cause. If you restart Studio are you still able to reproduce this error?

The chances of getting the error has reduced significantly but it does still happen.

I have a feeling this crash report I just made may be related to these changes or other errors in this thread:

I can’t test using Play Solo, at all. It crashes consistently.
The server seems to start up while the client does not.

This has started happening to me today, the only thing I changed was turning on streaming enabled and Rendering Cache Optimizations property in workspace. Shortly after it starts happening every 5~ ish minutes, and usually after the character gets pivoted but I have no solid evidence.

Turning the properties on and off also didn’t fix it, so not sure what’s going on. Hopefully we a get a followup to this!


Can concur this started happening to me after enabling streaming enabled in my place. Only happens at the start of test play solo for me.

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