EventBlocks Devlog 5 | Making a visual scripting plugin in Roblox

The logic between code and blocks is practically interchangeable, so however you make a 3d game using textual code is logically the same as using blocks.

There is ~30 keywords in lua, but you could argue that Roblox’s api consists of hundreds of functions properties and events.

I’ll try to answer as many questions as possible.

It goes trough your code block by block and translated it into Lua using recursion and stuff.

There’s no given way how to make a ‘complec 3D game’. Everyone does it different. If the plugin gets released, I might make a youtube playlist aboue how to make a ‘simple 3D game’. But there’s still a lot of work to be done!

I’m trying my best to get it done by the end of May. But keep in mind, when it gets released it’s going to be in Alpha, probably full of bugs and lack of blocks. I’ll need as much community response as possible.

1 keyword doesn’t equals 1 block.
Sometimes 1 block actually handles many lines of code. (example: kill first checks if the character you are trying to kill exists, if it exists it checks if it has humanoid, and then kills it)

Yes, this is completely true! It may be easier for some to make with blocks, and for some it’s easier with code.

Btw, there’s no definition of a ‘complex 3D game’.

I’ve already mentioned this in the OP but if you are excited, read this:


Thanks for explaining. I would love to be your pre-tester. I’m a serious game designer and digital artist, who knows 0 code but a pro at scratch.

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An amazing project! Please tag me for future devlog as I’d love to see the progress you make, and might pick up a copy once it releases.

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You see scratch games rendering 3D using trigonometry, while only having around 50 blocks.

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Took me 6 hours to make a good scratch animation ;-;.
Hail Moon Animator, without it, it’s just pain.

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Everyone’s mind works different. Maybe it took 6 hours for you to make an animation, but with enough practice you can make that 6 hours to just 2 hours. Also, this plugin is not made for animation (you can use it for animation making though).

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No, I drew 89 individual frames on Pixilart ;-;.

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Hey! The new devlog is out right now. I suggest checking it out:

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Ive been checking this since devlog 1, and asked for ping on devlog 4! Looks like it is taking good shape!

That’s good to hear! It’s taking a really good shape!

No, no and no. Blocks can’t replace text. Im not gonna explain why, but its not that hard to understand.

They can, but it’s not that efficent.

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They can. You can’t. You’ll have to create a new programming language. Functions, events, variables, properties, global functions, tables, parameters, arguments and much more. Its Roblox, not some 2d poorly made game engine with blocks instead of code. You’ll be able to create a very simple game, similar to games on Scratch, but in 3d. How do you plan, for example, making a way to get player’s graphics level from their settings? It is possible to do so in script, but what about blocks? Will you make a global variable? Will you make a global variable to get player’s speed, account age, jump power, display name? Will you make a global functions to set each of those? Now imagine how many blocks there would be. Making a dropdown with search bar would probably fix the issue in some way, but it won’t be possible for you to handle all of the bugs that will appear. You won’t be able to handle everything because Roblox engine is much more complicated than the one in Scratch. Again, you’ll be able to make a simple game with blocks, but don’t even try to tell me that it is possible to create something more than simple.

Other than that, I don’t see any reason in coding with blocks. Text coding is not harder in my opinion.

Thats what I am trying to say. There is no reason use this as it is 100 times slower and much more limited. It is not possible to make it as flexible as text coding, and if it were possible, there is no reason to even try.

Edit: what

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First, I’m not trying to make a new programming language right now. This is just some simple blocks with simple mechanics. As the project gets released, I’ll fix the bugs and add as many blocks as the communit wants. There will be categories that aren’t visible by default, like in Scratch:
You’ll have to add an extension. And it’s your decision. EventBlocks will be a simple ‘engine’ by default. But if someone wants to use it for bigger projects, use it! Maybe it will lack features, of course, but you can ask me to add it and I will if it’s possible.

Possible in Lua? Then it’s possible in blocks too! Blocks are pure Lua code, nothing else. When you drag blocks around, you drag lua lines around.

I know, I know. But I will only add what the community wants and what is important for game development. If someone lacks a feature for his game, and if it’s not possible to do with the availabe blocks, I will add that block.

Yes, of course. It’s actually planned for the next devlog.

I don’t need a seperate block for each of them. I can just have one block called ‘get ___ of player ___’
And you can choose what property you want from a dropdown, and drop you player object into the block.

I’ve explained already, no.

I see you think the same way as I do. Well it will cause bugs as everyting else does. I’m sure I’ll be able to make a simple dropdown on search bar.

Again, I don’t need everything, only important stuff. And if someone really needs a feature, ask me and wait until I add it. Also, mostly there’s an other way to do it.

It’s your opinion. But I know a lot of people who can’t understand real code and miss visual scripting from Roblox.

Slower? It depends. If someone gets the hang of it, learns where he can find a block then it may even be faster sometimes.

That’s just. Roblox.


I meant “what way will you do it?”.

You though that these were separate questions, but no.

I too! The reason is… they didn’t even try.

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I’ll do it the same way I did it with every block. It’s just a minute to add a new block.
But keep in mind the plugin still lacks client sided scripting. There will be client only blocks.

Well, they might try this then! They’ll will literally be able to read english sentences. Also they will see a lot of colored blocks, they might get interested!

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I honestly didn’t need answers anymore. Good luck with you project!

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I’m new to Roblox and was kind of overwhelmed with trying to learn lua until I started using this plugin. I’m very thankful. I’m starting to become more confident in my manual scripting thanks to seeing how the blocks were organized. Also, I’m pretty old for just coming into the game dev world so my age causes my hands to cramp with all the typing but this helps with that as well. For anyone that says something is easy, remember that easy is subjective.