Weekly Recap: February 17 - 21, 2025

Hi Everyone!

Hope everyone had a great week! We have another recap for yall in case you missed anything - sure it’s a short one but we do have a lot coming soon! :eyes:

We also know a lot of you are excited about potential updates and features coming in the future, or you might even have a wishlist of features that you hope come to Roblox. We love the excitement and discussion that happens in these threads but remember, we do have specific categories where you can share that excitement.

We’ve also gotten some feedback on the Weekly Recaps, such as creating a new category, excluding/including certain information, etc. While we can’t promise anything, just know the team and I are keeping track of this feedback.

Keep in mind that information is kept at a high level within these recaps. For more information or to leave feedback, please comment on their official announcements linked below.

Thank you :v:

Betas, Tests & Updates

[Test] Exact match searches in Creator Store

  • We’re testing a new feature over the next few weeks in the Creator Store that lets you search for exact search terms, making it easier to find items by their specific titles.

Announcements & Updates

Selling Developer Products On Your Experience Details Page

  • You can now sell your developer products (in-game currency, boosts, items, etc) on your experience details page. This means users can now buy your passes and products outside your experience!

New UGC Validation for Caged Accessories

  • Released a new set of UGC validation rules for caging layered accessories.

Release Notes

Deprecated Web Endpoints

Official List of Deprecated Web Endpoints


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I also think that these types of recaps should be in their own category, just like Release Notes, because they aren’t really announcing anything

Oh well, this was kinda useless anyway


Weekly Recap posts are announcements that provide developers with a brief summary of the latest innovations during their absence. I don’t think it’s necessary to create a separate category for this type of post.

Release Notes posts are also announcements about changes—less significant, but still updates—and they are in the correct category.


What if it just becomes a monthly recap?

Weekly is ambitious, but being realistic there’s never so many features released in a week where it becomes confusing.

At this point the weekly recap just feels like a second announcement post for the 1-2 features that get released in a week.

I think a big part of the ‘annoying factor’ comes from how often these are posted. Personally I wouldn’t mind if it’s once a month and stays in this category. That would be useful imo.


Well a lot of other people sure do. Seeing these just gets annoying when I’m searching announcements.

Having it’s own category would allow you to find every recap all in one place, and also let you just not see recaps. Imagine there was an announcement posted here every update log that gets created? That’s basically the same thing.


If you mean creating a new subcategory, I don’t care. But if you mean creating a separate category, I think it will complicate tracking innovations.


Sorry, I used the wrong term. I did indeed mean subcategory.


Is it the Aorora Script people are talking about?


I also believe that the AuroraScript is somewhat related to Server Authority, and should be a mix of both a client and server script. I have no clue how that’ll work, but like, whatever.


Selling Dev products on your Experience Details Page is amazing, should help with revenue a decent amount.


Every week the recap gets shorter, at this rate we’ll end up at a negative number of updates, somehow
Also add ingame join group prompt!


Maybe if we got staff attention in the traditional way which you refer us to we wouldn’t have to rant here!