Expand Terrain water capabilities (fetching wave height)

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to accurately create a reliable buoyancy system in accordance to Terrain wave height. Not everyone has the know how to make skinned mesh water with bones, and without a lot of optimisation it can perform terribly on most devices. I’ve tried multiple different methods to accurately get wave height, however as you stray further away from 0,0,0 it becomes insanely inaccurate. Not to mention the fact that the equation itself was reverse engineered, and requires the wave speed to start at the same time to stay in sync with the clock. Over time it falls out of sync anyway so there isn’t really a reliable method for this desired behaviour. Kudos to the people who spent their time trying to figure it out though!

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to make perfect buoyancy physics for boats, characters and other objects. Plenty of people would also benefit from this, especially if there was a built-in function that pushes out a perfect Y-coordinate on the server and the client.


8th months later but this needs attention. Completely agree and I think this is the largest step forward for terrain water. People shouldn’t need to guess what calculations Roblox used for their water and I’m surprised this hasn’t been a feature for years already. Water height calculations would expand the abilities of the water system (buoyancy, custom shortline interactions, realistic swimming) and it would be awesome if even just the wave calculations were available to everyone.