I dont think its relevant because groups have multiple people all working on a project are you gonna verify a group and give 27 people verification? what would happen if they left the group?
I said specifically for group owners - which is one person. I have been the only owner of my group which has the verified badge, I think it would be fair if the owner also gets it
it wouldn’t be fair because the owner might not have contributed anything people can own groups and hire teams to make games that doesn’t mean the owner should get verification now please stop this nonsense argument
Well then it would be unfair for the owners that actually made games on their own, right? Also I was not arguing.
why would they use a group to create the game when they could create the game via their account and then attach a group in the description duh and if they needed help then they could use team create
When is this new criteria will be available?
I think this is quite unfair to those who have had their accounts locked out of Ive had this account since 2015 but in 2019 I got locked out without any reason provided I recently re obtained the account in 2022 so that’s 3 years of “recent playtime” lost
Just because some group owners use groups doesn’t mean it’s always a team. Personally I like to use groups to avoid getting banned on my main account, For holding funds when I want them, and it’s more easy to expand a brand when it’s in a group to make more money for items in the groups such as clothes and ugc.
I’m talking about game content? and what benefit do you get from replying to a post that’s 8 days old (almost 9) and the whole topic literally says verified badge to experience creators
Sounds like a cool update but I hope the system is more balanced.
In my opinion, like other social medias, developers and other individuals should be able to apply for the individual verification badge when they meet certain requirements whilst group verification badge should stay as it is right now - selection. It should list the requirements and if they are eligible, they are allowed to apply. I feel like this will greatly balance the system and gives fair chances of obtaining the badge.

Its been almost a year since I got my personal group verified but I cant get it on my profile. I made the game Freeze Tag which has 170M visits and a Roblox jazwares Toy set and Im still not verified

Roblox Toy but not verified
EDIT: @beastoftheeast0 is there anyone working on verifying developers? Loads of comments from people from months ago going unnoticed…
verified program is paused as of now, no ticks are being given out
Is it back running? Because my friend just got this badge 1-2 days ago.
I got mine in September in the second wave.
Might sound like a silly question, but how often is each wave? Once a month? What do you mean by 2nd wave? that was only the 2nd wave ever, or the 2nd that month?
So I think the verified program started late last year (2022), if I recall correctly. There was that first batch of people who got their badges.
I got my badge on September 5, 2023.
I think it was the second major wave ever. I have no idea how the program works and how I got it. There’s thousands of other people who needed the badge more than I do lol. It seems like their algorithm and (probably the same people who do customer support and moderation) are not allocating enough resources into verifying people.
Other posts regarding verified badge by Roblox announcements:
As a contributors of a game will I get a verified badge, even though I don’t log onto studio? Surely there must be a way contributors get the badge as sometimes they can be important too, this also applies to Translators, Composers and GFX Artists, etc.
As of right now, the badge is only given out to people that have Studio Access, and hours of work put into it.
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