Introducing the Verified Badge!

Hello creators,

We’re thrilled to announce that we are beginning to roll out our new Verified Badge–which makes it easy to identify notable and authentic creators on Roblox! Pretty soon, you’ll start to see a Verified Badge icon appear next to notable community members across the Avatar Shop, user and group profile pages, item and experience detail pages, and in search:

At this stage, we will be granting the Verified Badge to notable Experience Owners, Avatar Item Creators, and select Influencers, Video Stars, and partnered Brands.

Highlighting notable community members helps people know they are interacting with genuine accounts and adds an important layer of confidence, clarity, and trust for everyone on Roblox. When someone has a Verified Badge, this means they meet our established criteria for notability and authenticity.

While it may catch the eye of users exploring the platform, the badge is predominantly a visual indicator meant to help address impersonation and does not influence content recommendations for new or unverified creators.

The notability criteria for this phase are quantitative and specific to the type of creator:

  • Experience owners (group or individual) are based on hours of engagement
  • Avatar Item Creators (group or individual) are based on items sold and revenue

Creators who meet the Verified Badge criteria will receive an invitation to participate in the new program. Communications start to go out later today–so keep an eye on your DevForum messages! Note that it will take some time for us to enable the Verified Badge across the platform, so not all users will see the badge right away.

We know that there are many different types of creators and contributors across Roblox, and some notable creators aren’t included in this initial rollout. In the coming months, we will periodically verify more creators when they meet the established criteria and potentially extend it to include new types of creators as well. This will be an ever-evolving program that we hope to slowly expand over time to include even more members of the community. Stay tuned!

To learn more about our criteria, why we’re introducing the badge, and more–check out the help Verified Badge article!


Are Verified Badges awarded right away or are they being distributed in waves?

  • We are granting Verified Badges in waves, but are still testing the rollout and have not concluded distribution to creators who met the initial criteria to receive a badge. After we finish the launch phase, we will grant badges approximately once a month to creators that meet our new or existing criteria.

Why can’t I see the Verified Badge?

  • We are currently running tests on the Verified Badge, so it will not show up for all users at this time. It will start appearing to more folks over the coming weeks.

What happens if I’m eligible to receive a Verified Badge based on the notability criteria but I haven’t ID verified?

  • If you meet our notability criteria but don’t meet the authenticity requirement (ID-verification) you will receive a message requesting that you do so in order to receive a Verified Badge. Badges will be rolling out in waves each month, so you should expect to receive the badge the month after you complete the requirements. You must meet all criteria to be granted the badge.

For developers, how does the Verified Badge get distributed between groups, their owners, and other co-developers?

  • At this stage we are only granting the Verified Badge to the owner of the experience that meets the hours of engagement notability criteria. In cases where a group owns the experience, the group will qualify for the badge. We are not currently granting the badge to the individuals who own verified groups, but we are planning to expand the notability criteria to include more creators in the future.

    The Verified Badge is an ever-evolving program that we are slowly expanding to include even more notable members of the creator community. We will be listening to your feedback and adjusting the notability criteria to include more and more creators over time!

For Avatar Item Creators, how does the Verified Badge get distributed between groups, their owners, and other co-creators?

  • At this stage we are only granting the Verified Badge to those that meet the items sold and revenue notability criteria. In case where a group meets the criteria, the group will qualify for the badge. We are not currently granting the badge to the individuals who own verified groups, but we are planning to expand the notability criteria to include more creators in the future.

    The Verified Badge is an ever-evolving program that we are slowly expanding to include even more notable members of the creator community. We will be listening to your feedback and adjusting the notability criteria to include more and more creators over time!

Will other creators, like plugin owners, be eligible for a Verified Badge in the future?

  • Yes, but we don’t know the exact timing right now. This is just the first phase of the Verified Badge program; we are listening to your feedback and considering ways we can include additional members of the creator community.

This topic was automatically opened after 15 minutes.

If a creator has a verified badge, are they also included in the displayname blacklist? Or are those decoupled still?

EDIT : Roblox engineer stated that yes, this will be the case.


Definately a step into the right direction. Those little additions add a very much needed layer of security. I am very much glad Roblox has directed their attention to user safety than to constantly spoonfeed investors. I am certainly looking forward to more safety features implemented. A small question, though. Will the verified badge be visible in-game? (That being player and server list). Also, will developers have API access to verified users list for development purposes? Thanks.


This is a great step towards preventing impersonation.

My only fear is that malicious developers could make use of it to “prove” themselves. (Multiple Dev-Worker sexual harassment incidents have happened in the past).
How would Roblox test the legitimacy of the developer apart from stat numbers?

Onto a different matter - what about developers who are co-creators of a successful game? (Team Create co-developers). Does only the game holder get the badge?


I’ve been waiting this feature for a long time. Goodbye impersonation


Really cool! I love how the badge looks and that we can tell who’s real.

A few questions though, are you off-content requirements the same as the requirements for the star creator program?

How do I get the badge with no id to verify? That’s one of the authentication requirements.

And will this show up in-game like the friend icon, developer icon, premium icon, etc.?


Is there really a point for UGC people to have a verified badge, is it because there opening UGC to all?


This is a pretty cool update!
Maybe I’ll get it one day,



That is a nice update for our devs and creators, but I have a question,

Would platform contributors like Roblox Event Organizers, Community Translators, Video Star Creators and others still get that badge? That is one of the things that concerns us.


What about Roblox Video Creators? :thinking:


Love seeing changes like these being made, very pleased with the planned updates being announced for the future. Will these badges also appear within experiences themselves?


I think that’s included in off-platform, right?


Will we in the future be able to recommend others for verified badges? For instance, if someone is a co-developer for a non-group owned experience.


That nice !!! I can’t wait to get Verified Badge. This will prevent identity theft.


I own a group which hosts my solo development games, one of them having a decent amount of engagement hours. I assume if I pass the criteria, my group will have the “Verified” badge. Will this apply to me too as the creator of the group, and will creators with access to the game have one too? Or would I need a separate game directly on my profile to get the badge on my account?

This seems very interesting though! I hope this could help reduce difficulties with impersonation among top creators and developers.


Will developers who don’t own the experiences/groups also get verified? I can imagine scenarios where devs for large studios become famous and therefore might experience impersonation, while not necessarily having the engagement hours the criteria sets themselves.


Will verified folks automatically be in the A/B test?


I have several questions:

  1. Will Star Creators automatically be getting the Verified Badge?

  2. And is there a reason why the specific criteria for the number of items old and hours of engagement aren’t shared publicly?


  1. For the criteria for the number of hours of engagement, will it be for the hours of engagement for every game you made combined, or is it only for your most popular game?

  2. Will each developer for a group game receive a verified badge if they meet the criteria, or is it only the group owner?

  3. Is there going to be a custom player icon on in-game leaderboards for Verified Players?

  4. Will Verified Badges appear on our DevForum and Talent Hub profiles as well, or will only appear on our Roblox Profile?

  5. If we lose the badge for reasons such as changing our group name, username, or display name, how would be earn it back?

  6. I completely disagree with the Verification Badge being removed for changing/removing your display name. People can change their display name every week. You might as well just take away our ability to change our display name when we’re verified. Can you reconsider this feature?

All 4 Edits on this reply are more questions being added.


This is awesome, really excited to be able to tell fakes apart from the real people.