It’s official, Roblox has peaked as a company, it doesn’t get better than this
Glad it’s out after a few roadmap delays, console users are shaking right now.
It’s official, Roblox has peaked as a company, it doesn’t get better than this
Glad it’s out after a few roadmap delays, console users are shaking right now.
so no more “i’m on console cant chat” ugcs?
amazing update, don’t have much else to say other than the obligatory cynical “is this all a ruse to get us all to switch away from the obviously perfect legacy chat”
Happy to see this feature released, only question is if anything needs to done on the developers end if they already utilize TextChatService?
Two banger features in a row!
First Pathfinding update, And now Chat support on Console! Very nice.
Took you long enough.
If all an experience did was use the standard legacy chat without any interesting integrations / customizations we will be able to automatically migrate it without issue. The more interesting chat related things it did the more manual updating it will take for it to still have chat.
Read / follow the main thread for more details: Update on Legacy Chat Deprecation and TextChatService Migration
Fix the performance issues of the new TextChatService before you force this onto every game. You literally need industry-leading single-core scoring CPU’s to mitigate the issue, and less than 1% of Roblox’s demographic have CPUs capable of processing your system without incurring a frame stutter.
Will this feature be available to developers looking into allowing console players to type in a textbox? For custom chat implementations to anything else
Love the update a lot! Only one minor issue; any chat messages altered with .OnChatWindowAdded
does not apply console text scaling for chat. Hope that this can be fixed!
Also, there are no mentions on how to integrate Chat for Console with custom UIs, and if it’s okay in ToS to provide Chat for consoles through other means instead of TextChatService. (Yes, it’s against ToS now if you don’t use TextChatService for Chat, but would it be okay now to provide Chat for Consoles through custom means?)
Is this only available through the default UI and ChatInputBarConfiguration.TextBox?
Us console players are finally getting the love we deserve!!11!11!!!
[Unrelated Question]: Resize handles aren’t showing when selecting UI elements in studio… anyone have a fix?
Honestly just ask, you won’t get a response if you passively aggressively ask a question (without asking it).
This got mentioned in the original post but I’m going to mention it again. TextChatService’s frontend is still too buggy and a performance hog to fully replace ChatService. Even though the Lua chat is also falling apart as it isn’t being maintained, we can look into it and fix the bugs.
ATP, it’s better without chat aslong as you can play the game, that looks like it takes like 1/4 of the window size.
i have to see this with the first half muted it needs to be done
Could do something simple like this.
if GuiService:IsTenFootInterface() then
TextChatService.ChatWindowConfiguration.HeightScale /= 2
This is the best feature to be added