This got mentioned in the original post but I’m going to mention it again. TextChatService’s frontend is still too buggy and a performance hog to fully replace ChatService. Even though the Lua chat is also falling apart as it isn’t being maintained, we can look into it and fix the bugs.
ATP, it’s better without chat aslong as you can play the game, that looks like it takes like 1/4 of the window size.
i have to see this with the first half muted it needs to be done
Could do something simple like this.
if GuiService:IsTenFootInterface() then
TextChatService.ChatWindowConfiguration.HeightScale /= 2
This is the best feature to be added
This is great.
I’ve played Roblox on Xbox probably a dozen times but, sounds rad.
Chatting is still efficient on any console but that’s not really a Roblox thing.
It’s actually real, holy moly
This button currently does nothing when you click it in studio while emulating a console. Chat just straight up doesn’t work, and it’s annoying because I need to be able to see it in order to fix the position and GIANT scale of the chat, which is ruining my experience for console players.
Maybe @Ro_JJam could clarify or look into the TOS side of things with custom chat for console internally.
I assume the answer is no, you can’t have custom console chat. It’s not in the TOS directly from what I’ve seen.
This seems like two issues in one. The studio issue and the console chat size. The first issue should be a bug report, if not already reported.
I believe positioning the chat is possible, but not sure about the size. Edit: looking at the docs, I couldn’t find anything for size or positioning that wasn’t Read-Only.
Would be nice to have Audio queues for consoles, like selection SFX or BG music (In Menu).
Also can’t wait for Haptics 2.0 and possible more console releases.
Very nice update!
Does anyone know of an alternative to getting whether the player is chatting or not?
This used to do the trick, but now not sure if there’s a replacement signal we can listen to?
Hi I found a way sorta by doing this:
local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local ChatInputBarConfiguration = TextChatService:FindFirstChildOfClass("ChatInputBarConfiguration")
if(ChatInputBarConfiguration.IsFocused) then
The TextChatService API appears to have been designed for in-server chat systems, and for that purpose, it works fine. Despite this, it’s seemingly being marketed (and forced) as if it is an API for all text-based conversational filtering, which it presumably hasn’t been designed to handle. A few notable use-cases that presumably aren’t supported with TextChatService:
- Cross-server communication
- Editing messages in-transit on the server
- Hiding / editing existing messages on the client without having to clone the entire TextChatService UI by hand (why is it a CoreGui?)
- Broadcasted message filtering
Unfortunately, these can’t be resolved by a community forum post asking for help from other members or consulting the documentation. We desperately need staff to address these concerns and provide proper guidance on how to go about these fairly common scenarios. If they can’t be covered by TextChatService before the policy requiring it goes into effect, we should ideally be provided an exemption as to prevent mass feature removals, some of which may be major features of their respective experiences.
I personally see this a ticking time bomb waiting to happen, April 30th could see the loss of many unique communication systems in-experience. I can only wonder how many developers are planning to remove some features on that date as to comply with the policy; additionally I also wonder how many players, many of which may be unaware of this policy-shift, will be negatively impacted by those feature removals. This upcoming ‘TextChatService requirement policy’ has been worrying me for months, and unfortunately, we seemingly haven’t yet got an update for our concerns.
Related feature-requests:
To clarify, no offence is intended to anyone at Roblox. I don’t mean to direct any hate to anyone, and no one else should either. I’m simply just voicing my concerns in the hope that we can see this addressed.
Nice update and one that’s definitely nice to have, but for TextChatService, is there any plans to have an event that replaces .Chatted
in a serverside scope? That’s the only thing that’s limiting me from migrating to TextChatService sooner.
Does TextChatService not support verified users?
I’m pretty sure it should support the verified creator icon, if it doesn’t appear you can always add a tag or something as a workaround for now. But I think that might be something to do with Roblox’s end lol.
In the screenshot above I tried with no scripts on the TextChatService version so yea gotta do it myself maybe…
Weird i never had this issue for me
Might be the case, unless if you’re testing in studio maybe? I’m not actually sure, but I’m pretty sure that should be supported. But I don’t really know much further information about it. Maybe a staff-member at Roblox will recognize it or something and have it fixed. Mainly because I’d presume they would want it to appear beside the player’s name in the chat.