In our game RoCitizens, the two scripts: CoreScripts/ExperienceChatMain and TopBar are taking up insane amounts of run time. These scripts are both out of our control. Attached are the script profiler results and a micro profile of when this occurs. This is a consistent issue that seems to happen when my character moves around.
I am not sure if there is something I am doing to cause this, or there is an internal issue that needs resolving. In the micro profile, you can see Script_TopBar appear in two consecutive frames, both for >8ms of run time.
Here is an example of ExperienceChatMain taking >6ms.
6 Second Script Profile:
Micro Profile:
microprofile-20250303-144345.html (4.2 MB)
Again, I am not sure if this is the expected result from these systems, or if this is a one off occurring in our game. Please let me know!