ExperienceChatMain and TopBar are causing lag in our game

In our game RoCitizens, the two scripts: CoreScripts/ExperienceChatMain and TopBar are taking up insane amounts of run time. These scripts are both out of our control. Attached are the script profiler results and a micro profile of when this occurs. This is a consistent issue that seems to happen when my character moves around.

I am not sure if there is something I am doing to cause this, or there is an internal issue that needs resolving. In the micro profile, you can see Script_TopBar appear in two consecutive frames, both for >8ms of run time.

Here is an example of ExperienceChatMain taking >6ms.

6 Second Script Profile:

Micro Profile:
microprofile-20250303-144345.html (4.2 MB)

Again, I am not sure if this is the expected result from these systems, or if this is a one off occurring in our game. Please let me know!

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Hi there!

This is a known issue with TopBar/Experience Chat, not specific to your game. We are actively working on increasing first-party UI performance, stay tuned for updates!


How soon can we expect this to be addressed? Is there anything we can do as experience creators to mitigate this extreme performance impact in the meantime?