ExperienceChatMain is Extremely Slow

Hi all,

This topic has been discussed in previous years on the Dev Forum, however, I am bringing it back up to re-draw attention to the matter as it is reaching a critical stage.

Both myself and my fellow developers working for our experience have been observing critical performance issues originating from the CoreScript ExperienceChatMain. This has lead to our game being rendered unplayable in certain parts of the map, and overshadows all of our advanced optimization techniques.

  • ExperienceChatMain takes up and obscene amount of CPU time on the server’s heartbeat [see below]


  • For testing purposes, we reproduced the issue on an empty base plate with one player, and the problem persisted.

  • As a temporary fix, we observed that using LegacyChat nearly eliminated the problem all together.

Although using LegacyChat is a fix for our problem, it is not a long term viable option because legacy features on Roblox tend to have been updated for critical reasons. In the case of legacy chat, it comes with problems ranging from message cutoff to message duplication on player.Chatted

We believe it is imperative that Roblox tends to this issue as soon as possible because it is a critical issue actively affecting games platform wide, and is a major contributor to the growing optimization issue surrounding Roblox Experiences.


Duplicate of these two: