TextChatService 'CoreScripts/ExperienceChatMain' Excessive CPU Usage

My game has been receiving lag spikes ‘recently’. The most obvious change I’ve made in the past few weeks was moving from the old chat system to ‘TextChatService’.

Asking some users for microprofile dumps, I can see that ‘Heartbeat/delayedThreads/Script_CoreScripts/ExperienceChatMain’ and ‘Heartbeat/delayedThreads/Script_Unknown’ are using >13ms of frametime very frequently. I do not believe I am doing anything out of the ordinary with the chat system. These lag spikes are having a negative effect on my game’s UX.

I can see calls to ‘GetFastFlag’ so I am confident that this is an issue with core scripts and not my game scripts.

Here are two relevant microprofiler dumps.


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!


Hey @Cuyler, thanks for pointing this out. We are actively working on this. We’ll let you know when our optimizations make it to production!


Apologies but do you have a time frame? I’d love to use the new TextChatService system but I’m being forced to remove it. I’m getting a large amount of annoyed players saying they refuse to play with the amount of performance loss the new chat system is causing :confused:

Every one of them seems to be getting 8ms+ of frame time from the ExperienceChatMain core script whenever bubble chat is used.

EDIT: Seems like a recent update may have broken LegacyChatService’s bubble chat system, at least in Studio. I cannot get it to work in any place.