Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

Finally reopened dev forums on my account just to say this has to be the dumbest choice I have ever seen in a while. Why are you trying to limit what developers can do by not allowing them to preview unowned items and items off sale? What is the point in this? Do you think that too many roblox games have experiences that let you equip items in roleplay scenarios to ACT like they own it?

I don’t get it. Someone explain the logic here.


Horrible update.

Many games will definitely vanish if this is rolled out.

Please don’t…


hey guys if you ever have some free time then there’s a 12 hour tutorial about godot and i think it’s really good especially for beginners looking to branch out onto different things


roblox isn’t even supporting the original ugc creators before permanent applications at all atp this policy doesn’t help at all its literally been bad take after bad take this past month in the UGC department :confused:

we already get lots of profit cut from UGC sales and roblox keeps pushing us to sell items in game for a better sales cut? but now we like, can’t do that anymore?


really impressed with how roblox keeps outdoing themselves with worse and worse updates year after year


More garbage abolutely nobody asked for, not even the metaverse.
Like I said here (R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences - #323 by heedicalking)
Notice how they always post this crap with their faceless “Roblox” account and never provide any face to the engineers/executives behind these decisions? Notice how the threads are always devoid of Roblox employees engaging with the community? They KNOW you will hate these changes and want you to shut up and forget about it.


This is really scary as someone who has a laptop which is currently not working well. I made this game in 2020 and I set the hair styles to different Roblox Marketplace assets. I’m not sure if I will be affected because the dev post needs more clarification. I really don’t want to get punished for something that I did way before this policy. Please add more clarification and at least listen to the other feedback as this appears to do more harm than good.


Is there going to be an incident report for this?


Having a one-week deadline is extremely overkill. I don’t think we will ever do that in our large-scale games. And yet, this policy is restricting our freedom and we really don’t like it. So please reconsider the way you decided…


Ok now that I’ve had a moment to digest the cesspit I was unfortunate enough to be greeted by when I opened this tab:

What? Genuinely… what? I think I speak for a lot of people here when I say we want an explanation - a detailed one - as to how in the fresh hell we are expected to adjust to and then comply with these policy changes without ruining user experience in games by flooding them with a million purchase prompts, or as to how you reasonably expect game devs to switch out entire item pools of Roblox hats or rextextures of them in just one week. A single week.

Who greenlit this? Why was this quite clearly not run by anybody except for the people in the top positions at roblox? You wouldn’t take community feedback anyway but I’m absolutely certain most of your own staff would immediately recognise how much of a god awful idea this is.

This needs a full u-turn or at the very least major clarification ASAP. You’ve done enough over recent years to make life far more tedious for devs than it should be - we’re already dancing around a minefield of vague and usually really unnecessary restrictions and do not need the final nail in the coffin that is this ridiculous update.


this update actually inspires me to learn krita and improve my modelling to make my own assets


I Might move to there too if Roblox continues with those random policy changes and doesn’t even give us a reasonable time to change our games


This is ridiculous. How do you expect us to use AvatarEditorService to comply with this when the ratelimits on the service are 100 requests per second across the entire experience?


Yea, regarding if this also applies to ROBLOX made assets from the marketplace…

so all of the games I made from 2015 to the present that use official ROBLOX assets because I didn’t want to use free models, meshes, and textures from other people are going to be taken down because you guys decided to introduce an unwanted and greedy update nobody wanted ever. You didn’t even ask the community for feedback and are just making another terrible change to the platform.

Is this another act of you guys desperately trying to phase out classic-era ROBLOX in favor of the newer “waah wahh metaverse!” stuff you are trying to push upon a community mostly consisting of people who don’t even know what it is?

This is the last straw; I am done trying to develop on this platform, and so are some people on my development team. Congratulations, ROBLOX!


This is worse than the removal of tix.
This is worse than the audio wipe.
A ton of classic games use gears. Small developers count on a lot of these to get themselves going. Without these resources I never would have been able to start developing games.
This change threatens hundreds of hours of work and some games that I’ve poured my heart and soul into just because they include gears, 2d faces, or off sale items. No chance I can fix this in a week. This is cruel and wrong. Revert it and do better.


I use 2D Roblox faces all the time for my custom in-game skin system all the time, because it works out best and now you are gonna be cracking down on that, what is so harmful in me doing that?


yeah i also agree roblox will do a great job at ruining literal hundreds of games :+1:


I am extremely confused by the wording of this policy update. Can you please clarify if this is only pertaining to equippable assets/gears/etc or if this means ANY offsale asset cannot be used in ANY PART of the game? For example if I have a statue of my own Roblox avatar in a game I own, would this no longer be allowed since I have offsale items on my avatar?
Really need clear clarification on how to abide by these terms and quickly, as you’ve only given us a WEEK to comply.


at that point why even stay strapped in to this stupid site that pays you in corporate scrip and takes the majority of the money coming in and out? experience in lua or roblox’s dumb API isn’t helpful for real game dev, might as well start looking into real game dev


Who thought this was a good idea