Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

I don’t play games on Roblox a whole lot anymore but this was actually the first thing that came into my head reading that Roblox’s own items are included in this. Just thought “hold on so what about arcane odyssey? all the other games using Roblox’s stuff, that we’ve been allowed to use for as long as the platform has existed?”. Avatar editors are just scratching the surface of how badly this affects the vast majority of games on the platform.

Roblox this might be the single most out of touch update I have ever seen, period. You’ve even outdone the audio privacy update this time. Is this a record attempt?


This is one primary reason as to why I am completely against these changes. The fact that there are already way too many Roblox games using offsale items, especially on NPCs, is insane. I would have imagined all of these games getting banned, just because of these changes taking into effect. I did see a few replies about this horrible update, and I have to agree with those replies. I hate to see the developers’ work destroyed over these changes. Yet, we even have people who are new to Studio and just insert some offsale accessories from the Toolbox and not even know about these changes. What if they didn’t know about the new changes? That’s just lame.
If they altered and summed up these changes in a way that people will actually praise them, then this would been fine. This change I quoted needs to NOT take into effect, I swear. This will ruin many games that include NPCs


I assure you that a good percentage of games will need to comply with these changes due to them having gears in their games, and guess what? They only have 1 week to make the changes, 1 WEEK. This update is probably worse than the audio privacy update from march last year.


For me this is absolutely way worse than the audio privacy update this is going to definitely kill a good chunk of creators.

Also, the deadline to make sure your “experiences” doesn’t violate this enforced policy change is stupid.

A week.


It’s definitely 50% or more considering this also effects every single game with Roblox items that are offsale


Not to mention the fact that we probably don’t have a say in this anymore, because I hardly ever see Roblox listen to its community, and they just expect us to forget that these updates ever happen.

Roblox never undoes these controversial updates, or listens to its community when we complain (FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS) about them.


1 week to potentially redesign a character customization system is not enough time for large games or solo devs. I have also never once heard anyone complain or mention this as an issue before.


Oh my god. Roblox please whoever accepted this get back to the drawing board immediately.


I’m not directly affected by this, however the amount of games that will be non compliant given the timeline of this change is absurd. And for almost any game made prior to 2015, RIP :skull:


Roblox being Roblox Seriously, now they just need to want to monetize account usage.


I don’t even have to describe why this update is beyond absurd — everyone else has very clearly indicated the myriad of reasons. Welcome to the end times, brought about, unsurprisingly, by narcissistic corporatism.

I’m not making any changes, and if I’m punished for that, so be it; I’d rather stop using the platform anyway.


This aint it. I’m not going through my game shoving purchase prompts down hundreds of thousands of players faces when they want to buy a skin that uses ROBLOX CREATED hats and faces. I’m also not going to go through hundreds of different items with offsale items and remove / replace them and ruin my game. On top of this, hardly any time to make adjustments and changes. Not cool. Very displeased with this change and hope things get reviewed and adjusted prior to the 27th.

Ya’ll deserve one of these rn…


Please don’t make this apply to roblox-uploaded items (like Biggerhead, an offsale 2D face that was onsale for 10 years, a roblox-uploaded Torso).

Please don’t make this apply to UGC items that were on-sale at the time, and are no longer on sale later in your game’s lifetime because the uploader lacked Premium Tier 2 that month or for other reasons outside your control.

I understand the expectation for some catalog-browsing character creator to have buy options for the items. But this extending to every scenario would be a destructive change to many games.


classic roblox, money-hungry mega corporation serving nobody but the share holders. surprised we didn’t see this sooner tbh, what an awful awful change


Wdym this is perfectly reasonable! You can redesign entire game mechanics, entire avatar editors, entire item pools in a week yes? I see no problems here!

It’s ridiculous. I genuinely do not know how I can trust Roblox to not drop an atomic bombshell like this again even if by some miracle this gets reversed.


Thats it, im so done with this website, i love the way you purposely made this SUPER vague and confusing to read in a sad attempt to mitigate the backlash but you some how made it even worse, this is honestly so sad and really pathetic.


Utter Dogwater update; this is going to destroy the platform.


This is an absolutely horrible update that shouldn’t be added in at all.


(19) Mall Cop Simulator - Roblox
So you are telling me, in this game where you roleplay as a cop or criminal? I have to give the player a prompt every time I give them clothing or a accessory? Roblox. You are trying to make money while in fact this while garneted tank your stock as games like adopt me brookhaven and any game that exists, is totally screwed up.


Roblox be like “Still fixable dwdw”