Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

This is the worst change ever. I now have to go out of my way, change many things in my game. This will cause major backlash.


I don’t understand the motive behind this. More developers will simply remove features that involve these kinds of accessories, and there will be less financial gain. What’s the point?

Games that simply have custom character creation to allow more freedom and expression and/or follow a certain theme will suffer heavily from this. At least, an exclusion for these kinds of games would be appreciated.

My game, ECHOES, uses a custom character creation system to avoid the annoyingly large amount of hats made by UGC creators that would be disruptive and/or distracting to gameplay. This, while annoying to create and maintain, is much easier of a solution than allowing disruptive packages and accessories to be used in my game.

Larger games, like Jailbreak, have already suffered from this issue before. A package was created by a UGC creator that was smaller than the weapons the characters were using.

This is detrimental. What would the company gain from this change? Developers would likely rather remove custom character creation systems entirely.

A week is not nearly enough time to account for this change. More time, and more clarification, would go a very long way.


Roblox is showing Twitter on how to ruin your own company fast.


I don’t think you realize, nobody is gonna be able to gut their roblox games within a week. Let alone everyone already uses the 2D faces. Games with cutsom avatar creators, this completely kills them off. I understand trying to support UGC, but this isn’t how it’s done, please rethink this decision.


Stop being so tyrannical over what we do, you guys keep forcing stuff like this against our will. We always be running into TOS violations because of terrible policies that ruin the fun and sovereignty what we do with our games to make it great.


Does this apply to Roblox made items? Or free items? Would clothing need to be put on both the catalogue and the creator marketplace separately?


First of all, as many of the most well-known developers and community members have said, this is an unnecessary change that seems overly considerate to the creators. You’ve given your developers essentially no time to prepare, implemented a change that no one was really asking for in the first place, and alienated your development community while you were at it. The absolute LEAST you could have done was given a reasonable amount of time, like saying that the policy would go into effect at the beginning of the 2024 calendar year. That would give developers of both existing and upcoming games time to plan, thoroughly design, and effectively implement a solution. I’m hopeful that the outpouring of confusion and disgust from the community will inspire a reversal in this decision, or at least some sort of modification because this is ridiculous.


pretty sure roblox-made items are counted in this too, so if you used one it wouldnt be allowed if it was offsale


So any offsale clothing and gears just aren’t allowed now? or did i confuse myself?? At this point just remove characters or something


I’m a UGC creator and give anyone permission to use my UGC accessories, hairs, bodies, anything from the marketplace in-game


The amount of people replying to this announcement goes to show that roblox didn’t think about this before releasing it and how bad it is.

Oh well, off to pack my bags to a new game making platform.


This applies to all items. This means that any clothing you give to players so they can roleplay or any assorries, you have to literally give them a prompt to PURCHASE IT that doesn’t even go to you if they buy it. Now I will have to reupload all the clothing to myself just so I don’t need to pester my players and waste time reuploading custom meshes.


This, combined with Roblox appearing to be perfectly willing to axe its own Roblox-made accessories on-a-whim (“classic” faces being taken off-sale en masse, old hats going off-sale or limited from time to time with no warning), basically means that daring to do something as simple as… having an NPC in your game that isn’t entirely decorated with assets made in-house a death sentence. Not a single developer on this site is insane enough to not only constantly monitor the accessories they use to see if they’re still on-sale, but also be ready to swap any given part of an NPC at a moment’s notice to comply with an asset becoming unavailable.

Even if you made your own avatar accessories in-house, how are you going to comply with the prompt UI? To use something like a custom layered clothing asset, for instance, you need to actually make a proper layered clothing asset, meaning you have to upload it onto the marketplace. Thus, whatever you make for your own game… you would also have to sell to people (per the clause about off-sale items being forbidden)… and constantly pay to keep it in-stock, or risk having to start all over again.

What do we have to do, stop using Roblox-derived avatars entirely? Where are the lines drawn? If we built an NPC with a custom body, would we have to sell said body, too, thanks to UGC packages being a thing now? Do we just have to stop using NPCs entirely? What even constitutes an NPC? We have to settle this existential dread in just a week’s time???

This is, once again, a truly horrible update. Roblox once again throws its developers as a whole under the bus while trying to support a minority of them (in this case, UGC developers). With what limited information we have been provided, actually complying to this new set of rules is virtually impossible, for it is full of holes. I really, really hope they either extensively clarify and reword things here, or (ideally) just stop this outright.


Finally reopened dev forums on my account just to say this has to be the dumbest choice I have ever seen in a while. Why are you trying to limit what developers can do by not allowing them to preview unowned items and items off sale? What is the point in this? Do you think that too many roblox games have experiences that let you equip items in roleplay scenarios to ACT like they own it?

I don’t get it. Someone explain the logic here.


Horrible update.

Many games will definitely vanish if this is rolled out.

Please don’t…


hey guys if you ever have some free time then there’s a 12 hour tutorial about godot and i think it’s really good especially for beginners looking to branch out onto different things


roblox isn’t even supporting the original ugc creators before permanent applications at all atp this policy doesn’t help at all its literally been bad take after bad take this past month in the UGC department :confused:

we already get lots of profit cut from UGC sales and roblox keeps pushing us to sell items in game for a better sales cut? but now we like, can’t do that anymore?


really impressed with how roblox keeps outdoing themselves with worse and worse updates year after year


More garbage abolutely nobody asked for, not even the metaverse.
Like I said here (R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences - #323 by heedicalking)
Notice how they always post this crap with their faceless “Roblox” account and never provide any face to the engineers/executives behind these decisions? Notice how the threads are always devoid of Roblox employees engaging with the community? They KNOW you will hate these changes and want you to shut up and forget about it.


This is really scary as someone who has a laptop which is currently not working well. I made this game in 2020 and I set the hair styles to different Roblox Marketplace assets. I’m not sure if I will be affected because the dev post needs more clarification. I really don’t want to get punished for something that I did way before this policy. Please add more clarification and at least listen to the other feedback as this appears to do more harm than good.