Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

it’s gotta suck seeing that you won’t be able to copyright strike as many underground games mr. millionaire… i feel really bad for you… :frowning:


Can you stop sending DMCA small pet games?


This is a terrible idea, it feels like Roblox is TRYING to screw over the very community that built it. This will lead to a ton of games, especially older ones that are unsupported being removed and taken down, not even mentioning avatar related games.


I don’t see how this was an approved change. Taking down games for this is outrageous, especially with a one week warning. That is nowhere near enough time to make a change this big, and there should be no reason for this change at all in the first place.

Please listen to the feedback and make a change :pray:


“displacing thousands of devs and creators income because i felt like it” is all i read from this post


Moving to unity, thank you very much. You can easily make a successful release on steam and #1 they won’t change the system so suddenly you have to completely shut down your game and #2 they give you a stronger revenue share. Peace! :grinning:


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I hope this is a tasteless joke


You can’t be serious, there’s no way.

  1. For those seeking to create 2D games that are stereotypically top-down RPGs, there’s GameMaker. However, it may cost you some money. Games like Undertale, Deltarune, and YUME NIKKI are built with GameMaker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBCDzE9MDbk
  2. For those seeking a flexible 2D and 3D engine that is open source and allows for a multitude of programming languages from their own GDScript to C++ and tools to create the perfect game of your choice, whether you’re a beginner or you’re an experienced developer, you’re looking for Godot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8lMTwSRoRg
  3. For those seeking the triple-A industry standard 3D engines, capable of beautiful graphics and utilizing the latest technology to the absolute fullest, you’re looking for Unreal Engine. Unreal Engine utilizes C++ and Blueprints, and is typically used for game development studios. It is also friendly for indie developers, as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-zMkzmduqI

I wish you all good luck on your game development journey if that journey is to be off of the Roblox platform!


The entire team that decides these updates can be considered a joke. A sick, twisted, greedy, and straight up cruel joke.


Roblox needs to understand what the player base wants, and not try to undermine what they have built as a platform.


Requiring developers to attribute credit and provide the means to purchase the items is fine. What isn’t fine is the ridiculous 1 week warning and the lack of clear requirements to implement within that week.

Having to keep up a prominent prompt to buy the item for as long as they wear the items is also bizarre. ‘Prominent’ isn’t exactly the most illustrative term to use, either. Do we have to keep a permanent notification on the screen like the example? Is it enough to just leave the option to go back and buy it?

It isn’t clear whether this applies to Roblox items or to NPC’s ingame that utilise UGC items. Does this apply to games with mechanics where you can disguise yourself as other players?

We need clarification, and a week isn’t long enough to wait for that clarification.

I understand that Roblox want to ensure that UGC creators are compensated adequately, and that their intellectual property is respected, but as both a UGC creator and a developer this is an appallingly botched execution of what could be a good policy.


The time given for updating places doesn’t seem very fair, a lot of users might not be aware of this change right away, and even those who are might not have enough time to go through every asset in their game to ensure all of them are in accordance with the new rule changes. At least give developers a month or even a few months, preferably making the changes go into effect on January 1st of 2024 so that more people are able to be made aware of these new rules and have enough time to make the required changes to their games. Many users on this site are young aspiring developers who more than likely have other more important matters to take care of outside of Roblox and won’t be able to allocate enough time to make these changes. Please give us more time to make changes.


Ask me again how you guys thought this was a good idea?


yet another horrible corporal decision. games that rely on avatar customization or fighting games that use models of off-sale gears are going to be put in jeopardy from what i understand. i get this update was an effort to make the original creator of the accessorie(s) used receive proper recognition for their creation, but holding several games and their developer(s) accountable for removing features that are potentially vital to the game’s structure is probably THE WORST way to go about it. i truly do hope this decision is revised.


This is probably the worst policy change I’ve seen in recent years, it manages to make “making all items on the marketplace Limited” seem like a genius idea, and only a week too? You guys should realize thats such a short amount of time for Devs to comply.


on the list of horrible roblox update #10 we have " Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update"


lolllll what is this LOL this is crazy


Why do we never have a voice to make this platform great? It’s like we are detached and never listened to about changes you guys plan on doing, our voices matter.