Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

We spent more time complaining about it than you did on the update. :skull:


This whole policy is awful and just another unnecessary hoop for developers to jump through, but I especially love this part:

The fact that even if a developer has an agreement with an asset creator to display their items, they can still be banned (seemingly infinitely many times, actually, because thereā€™s already no internal way for these agreements to be validated) for doing nothing wrong is absolutely laughable. Way to go.


the best way forward

And that is? ruining A HUGE CHUNK OF GAMES???

This is not a good move, Roblox. Legit.
Youā€™re ruining the entire platform again. AGAIN.


Aside from the PR nightmare, Iā€™m surprised to see the stance Roblox took on allowing their own created items within experiences.

As many of their created items are limited/offsale/gears but still staples within games but now are seen as IP infringing.

Generally Roblox made items were seen as ā€œsafeā€ to use/edit within your games due to the fact that simply they were made by Roblox.

So seeing Roblox backtrack like this and suddenly declare everything as infringing is kinda surprising as they decided to do this almost two decades down the line.



Youā€™re telling us we need only one week to comply to something like this? This isnā€™t even a great change to begin with. There are way too many offsale items, nor is this attainable to many developers who do not have scripting ability, and the lack of time to go through all of this is astonishing. This is absolutely ridiculous and will get multiple games banned. How could this possibly be a good idea?

I understand the importance of respecting othersā€™ work, but at the expense of damaging large games isnā€™t the way to go about things.


This company is so 3 steps forward 2 steps back, you really had me and some of us interested in the game again with the whole new economy and everyone being able to contribute to making UGC then you drop this garbage that hurts devs of places like Catalog Avatar Creator, wearable cosmetics in games like Ragdoll Universe, etc. Not only does it hurt the players and screw them over as the official avatar creator is so broken and clunky that most if not all of us USE Catalog Avatar Creator. This hurts games with custom avatars that have a specific outfit that load from assetids. Expect a lot less purchases from your users after trying this too since they cannot preview the items they are interested in, I am so sick of these garbage business decisions. Whatā€™s probably next is browser extensions get us termed.


Hi! Hereā€™s my two cents.
Please backtrack on the update, or massively reconsider what youā€™re about to do here.

Thank you in advance. :slight_smile:


think about your actions



The best way forward?
I seriously hope that concludes reverting this absurd policy



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roblox, take a look at the replies. this isnt a good update. i dont know who the hell approved this, use your god damn brain and realise what you are doing roblox.


In all seriousness, what is the actual point of protecting the IP of lego shirts


For those of us who relied on Roblox uploaded items, this will be the end for our games. There was no way to know the rug would be pulled out from under us like this.

It always made sense to allow use of Roblox uploaded meshes and textures, regardless of whether they were offsale or limited. It still makes sense now. People who didnā€™t have the skills or means to make meshes could improve the quality of their games making development more accessible. That accessibility is perhaps Robloxā€™s greatest strength.

When it comes to player uploaded assets, those have always had problems and it wasnā€™t unreasonable to expect the sword of damocles to come down one day. Roblox uploaded items should not be in the same category.


Revert the whole thing now smh


Good gracious this will completely destroy multiple games who use retextures.


my 2 cents: david is fuckinā€™ senile throw him out the office windows




In my opinion, this has got to be the most ridiculous update thus far that I have seen on this platform. By proceeding with this, an unfathomable amount of developers will either have to live with the fact that their games will be subject to moderation, or completely turn their games around in such a short time span in order to be compliant with this. Iā€™d bet that to most people this is already the end of their empires as many of the front-page games that we see have probably been built up by doing

MANY bad decisions have been made by this corporation recently, but this one is the cherry on top of it all.


the best way forward is to delete this announcement and act like it never happened