Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

I just wanted to be in the thread of this downfall, yep dont mind me


I realy hope im reading this wrong


people going crazy over this hahaha

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Act Fast, because what you have announced today is awful.

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guys keep posting this is actually amazing don’t stop



this reminds me of the time i went to the grocery store


there is a whole protest game about this update thats so funny


OMG HI KAR!!! :heart_eyes:
char limit char limit

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I’m praying to god that roblox reverts this update

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You’re welcome. They can be used as gui click sounds, death sounds, attack sounds, background music, you name it.

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bruh like, r/thanksihateit moment…

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i wonder how they were made … :thinking:

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cool fursona!!!
Post must be longer yada yada filler text

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How are we given only one week to comply?!

Realistically, this is the path developers would have to take. They would need to spend one DAY redesigning their ENTIRE game, maybe two, and spend the rest of the time applying those updates, and hoping it doesn’t break, or worse, they missed something

I don’t even know how to respond, and I’m always the guy who supports Roblox updates. A post with close to a thousand replies but only 37 likes should say a lot. This is not “Respecting the Community” you’ve thrown us under the bus, ruined catalog games, and based on what I understand, gear games are affected as well

This hurts as a developer. This really hurts. At least give us a month or something. Don’t force us to struggle. And I’m not even talking about the countless paywalls that this update will introduce, which will negatively impact every game that is forced to have these. NOBODY likes to be blown up with purchase prompts. And I really hope something I uploaded as a kid doesn’t get me striked down instantly

Lastly (because I don’t have time to write an MLA essay Times New Roman 12pt font on this update) I always play gear games with my friends. We can wave goodbye to those!

This is an amazing change everybody loves! Just look at the replies! Thank you Roblox!


“How to say you don’t like games like Catalog Avatar Creator without blatantly admitting it” just dropped.

Like what is this??? Part of what makes this funny to me is I’m willing to bet Catalog Avatar Creator actually HELPS Roblox get more Robux cuts from purchases because it’s a much better way to try on items and see how they look in normal gameplay.

Also, I know a quite a few games that use clothing assets for suit givers, so RIP those.

Yea the more I think about it, the more I think this is a remix of the audio update. Whoops dee doooo.


This is unexpected. Out of all this, I’m most confused about us developers not being able to use Roblox items. Beside this - does this include tools, or meshes? Your post mentions “avatar items” but your FAQ continues to a much broader term - “Roblox’s items.”
Here’s my example: I have been working on a classic Roblox styled game for months and I have used the tool meshes from the catalog or marketplace in order to replicate that style I am going for. Will I have to go through and remodel everything from scratch? This change either needs some serious clarification, or a complete rework.


sounds very strange, it sounds like I stepped in a puddle or ns xd

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This update is so bad that i think that the roblox employees have truly lost it

Please rethink the announcement and also the team running this.


please link i need to join


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